! Keywords: Knapsack Model / Shipping / Transportation;
!  A shipping company wants to load a shipping container to maxmimize
!  the freight charges it can bill.  There is  a cubic space constraint
!  of 1000 sq ft, and a weight limit of 1200 pounds.
!    X = 1 if parcel  in included in the container, else 0.
MAX 77 X1 + 6 X2 + 3 X3 + 6 X4 + 33 X5 + 13 X6 + 110 X7 + 21 X8 + 47 X9
SPACE)  774 X1 + 76 X2 +  22 X3 + 42 X4 + 21 X5 + 760 X6
      + 818 X7 + 62 X8 + 785 X9                          <=   1000
WEIGHT)  67 X1 + 27 X2 + 794 X3 + 53 X4 + 234 X5 + 32 X6
      + 792 X7 + 97 X8 + 435 X9                          <=   1200
! The best integer solution should have an objective value of 170.