Bibliography and Suggested Reading

Anderson, Sweeney, and Williams, Introduction to Management Science, 8th ed. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1997.

_______________, Quantitative Methods for Business, 6th ed. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1991.

Birge, J., and F. Louveaux, Introduction to Stochastic Programming, Volume 57, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 1997.

Black, F., and M. Scholes. (1973). "The Pricing of Options and Corporate Liabilities.", Journal of Political Economy, vol. 81, pp. 637-654.

Bradley, S.P., A.C. Hax, and T.L. Magnanti, Applied Mathematical Programming. Reading, MA :  Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc., 1977.

Cochran, W.G., Sampling Techniques. 2nd ed. New York, NY : Wiley, 1963.

Conway, R.W., W.L. Maxwell, and L.W. Miller, Theory of Scheduling. Reading, MA :  Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, Inc.,1967.

Cox, John C. and Mark Rubinstein, Options Markets, Englewood Cliffs, NJ:  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1985.

Dantzig, G.B., Linear Programming and Extensions., Princeton, N.J. :  Princeton University Press, 1963.

Eppen, G.D., F.J. Gould, and Schmidt, C.P., Quantitative Concepts for Management: Decision Making Without Algorithms, 3rd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1989.

_______________ , Introductory Management Science, 4th ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1993.

Gass, S., Decision Making, Models & Algorithms. New York:  Wiley-Interscience, 1985.

_______, Linear Programming, 5th ed. New York:  McGraw-Hill, 1985.

Geoffrion, A., The Theory of Structured Modeling, Western Management Science Institute, UCLA, 1987.

Hadley, G., and T.M. Whitin, Analysis of Inventory Systems. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1963.

Hillier, F., and G.J. Lieberman, Introduction to Operations Research, 9th ed. New York : McGraw-Hill, Inc., 2010.

Johnson, L., and D.C. Montgomery, Operations Research in Production Planning, Scheduling, and Inventory Control. New York:  John Wiley & Sons, Inc., 1974.

Knowles, T., Management Science. Homewood, IL: Irwin Publishing, 1989.

Lin, S., and B. Kernighan. (1973). "An effective Heuristic Algorithm for the Traveling Salesman Problem.", Operations Research, vol. 10, pp. 463-471.

Markowitz, H. M., Portfolio Selection, Efficient Diversification of Investments, John Wiley & Sons, 1959.

Nemhauser, G., and L. Wolsey, Integer and Combinatorial Optimization, New York : John Wiley & Sons, 1988.

Moder, Joseph J., and Salah E. Elmaghraby (editors), Handbook of Operations Research, New York:  Van Nostrand Reinhold Company, 1978.

Schrage, L., Optimization Modeling with LINDO, 5th. ed. Belmont, CA: Duxbury Press, 1997.

_________, Optimization Modeling with LINGO, 6th. ed. Chicago, IL: LINDO Systems Inc, 2006.

Wagner, H.M., Principles of Management Science with Applications to Executive Decisions, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1975.

_________, Principles of Operations Research, 2nd ed. Englewood Cliffs, N.J. :  Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1975.

Winston, Wayne L., Introduction to Mathematical Programming: Applications and Algorithms, 3rd ed.,. Belmont, CA: Duxbury Press, 1995.

_____________, Operations Research: Applications and Algorithms, 2nd ed., Belmont, CA: Duxbury Press, 1995.