Command-Line Prompt

On machines other than Windows, Mac and Linux, you may have to interface with LINGO through the means of a command-line prompt. All instructions are issued to LINGO in the form of text command strings.

When you start a command-line version of LINGO, you will see a colon command prompt as follows:



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The colon character (:) at the bottom of the screen in LINGO’s prompt for input. When you see the colon prompt, LINGO is expecting a command. When you see the question mark prompt, you have already initiated a command and LINGO is asking you to supply additional information related to this command such as a number or a name. If you wish to "back out" of a command you have already started, you may enter a blank line in response to the question mark prompt and LINGO will return you to the command level colon prompt. All available commands are listed in Command-line Commands.