Edit|Match Parenthesis



Select a parenthesis in a document. Then, use the Match Parenthesis command to find the closing parenthesis for selected parenthesis.

This command is useful when using nested statements such as:

@FOR( FXA( I, J):

   JP( I, J) = MPF( I) * CAGF( I, J);

   JP( I, J) = MPA( J) * CFGA( I, J));

where it may be difficult to find the close of a given parenthesis.

If no parenthesis is selected prior to issuing the Match Parenthesis command, LINGO will select the parenthesis nearest to the current cursor position.

In addition to this command, there is one other way to find matching parentheses. LINGO will highlight matching parentheses in red when the Match Paren option is enabled under the LINGO|Options command. By placing the cursor immediately after one of the parentheses of interest, you will notice that the color of the parenthesis changes from black to red. LINGO will simultaneously display the matching parenthesis in red. These parentheses will remain displayed in red until you move the cursor to another position, at which point they will be returned to a black color.