File|Log Output


Normally, when you are using LINGO, it is operating in a menu driven mode, where you choose commands from the pull down menus and reports are displayed in individual windows. LINGO can also operate in command mode, where text commands or command script files drive the application and all output is routed to a window known as the command window. All input and output passes through the command window when LINGO is in command mode. You can open a command window at anytime by issuing the Window|Command Window command.

In general, you will only be interested in running LINGO in command mode if you are planning to embed LINGO in a larger application. If you do use LINGO in command mode, you will find the command window can only hold a limited amount of output. Should you need to keep a disk based copy of all that transpires in the command window, you will need to use the Log Output command.

The Log Output command opens a standard Windows file dialog from which you can name the log file. You can echo the output to the command window as well as the file by checking the Echo to screen checkbox. If you would like to append output to the end of an existing file, check the Append output checkbox.

When you have selected a file for logging output, a check mark will appear in the File menu before the Log Output command. To turn off Log Output, select the command again and the check mark will disappear.