The NetFloSimpl.xlsx Model

Network Flow Optimization Model in What'sBest!

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Each node has a Name, Supply, and a Demand
Each arc has a From node, To node, Cost/unit flow, and Capacity.

The problem is to determine the flow over each arc, so as to
Minimize total cost of the flow;
subject to
Flow on each arc <= capacity of the arc,
Flow into each node >= flow out of the arc,

To add a Node:
1) Insert an additional row in the Node tab.
2) Copy an existing row into it, to get formulae into it.
3) Enter data into:
Node-name, supply, and fixed cost.

To add a Link/Arc:
0) Make sure the relevant nodes have been added in the Nodes tab.
1) Insert an additional row in the "Arcs" tab.
2) Copy an existing row into it, to get formulae into it.
3) Enter data in the From, To, Cost, and Cap columns

The Node-names must be unique.
Verify that: WB | Advanced | String Support , is turned on in What'sBest.


Supply Chain | Transportation Model | Network Design | Network Flow | Assignment Model | String support | SUMIF |