The PlantLocnAL02.xlsx Model

Plant Location Model

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 Given transportation rates between cities and fixed costs of having a plant open,							
   capacity at each supply city, demand at each demand city,							
  1) Which supply plants should be opened, and							
  2) how much should be shipped from each plant to each demand city?							

Two additional features, can specify:	
    a) a cost/distance to convert distance to cost,	
    b) max distance limit. Cannot supply to k from j, if distance (and thus time) is too great.	
         Note, because of feature (b), you may want to use the What'sBest! option:	
           What'sBest  | Options |  Linear  Solver | Assume Linear Method | Yes	


Supply Chain | Transportation Model | Plant Location | Fixed Cost | SUMIF | Excel | WhatsBest | What'sBest | What'sBest! | What's Best | Assume linear |