Keyword: | ∇ Name: | Description: | ∇ Type: |
Allocation | ADALLOT.lng | Advertising Insert Assignment Problem | LINGO |
Allocation | inherit.lng | Unordered Lexico maximization of allocations to several parties/participants | LINGO |
Allocation | InheritMinMax.lng | Allocation of objects to several parties/participants | LINGO |
Allocation | MCinheritULexMxMn.lng | - | LINGO |
Allocation | MCknapScen.lng | - | LINGO |
Allocation | MCknapuLexMxMn.lng | - | LINGO |
Allocation | MultiPartyOptim08.ppt | Multi-Party Optimization | PowerPoint |
Allocation | Inherit1.xlsx | Maximization of the minimum utility of a set of participants | What'sBest! |
Allocation | AllocIntAmnt.xlsx | - | What'sBest! |
Allocation | AllocateKways.xlsx | - | What'sBest! |