! The Jet/ FTL/  Taxi Routing Problem.       (ARouteSC24.lng)
 Given a set of desired flights or FTL shipments to be covered,
 and the profitability of covering each (they need not all be covered),
 decide which flights to cover,
 how to route planes/vehicles to cover these flights, including
 repositioning/deadheading flights ( at a cost).
    A number of scalar parameters can be controlled:
 Relative value of covering a loaded flight,
 Relative cost of a repositioning flight,
 Relative cost of an aircraft,
 Limit on number of aircraft;

! To take input from the file:
  and send the output to the two files:
     c:\temp\ARoutingLoad.txt, (Set of Loaded flights flown), and
     c:\temp\ARoutingRepo.txt  (Set of repositioning flights flown);
! Keywords: FTL routing, Taxi routing, Calendar routine, Chart, Graph,
    Space-time diagram, ChartNetNode, ChartSpaceTime, Routing;

! Define the data structures;
 ! Loaded legs;
  LODPAIR( LEG, CITY, CITY): Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute, 
  LODPAIRA( LEG, CITY, CITY): DLATIME, ALATIME; ! Load legs actually flown; 
  RLEG; ! Set of reposition legs;
! Reposition city pairs;
  DOW /SUN..SAT/;  ! Days of week;
  CARCS: ORG, DST; ! List to be created of OD pairs;
! Set of repositioning legs actually used;
DATA: NRPLG = 1000; ! Possible number of repositioning legs; ! Scalar data; !Number loaded legs available to be flown, Relative value of covering a loaded flight, Relative cost of a repositioning flight, Relative cost of an aircraft, Limit on number of aircraft used; NLLG, VL, RP, RA, LA = !@FILE('C:\temp\aroutingIn.txt'); 9 ! Number loaded legs available to be flown; 1 ! Relative value of covering a loaded flight; 0.45 ! Relative cost of a repositioning flight; 0.7 ! Relative cost of an aircraft; 2 ; ! Limit on total aircraft used; RLEG = 1..NRPLG; ! Possible number of repositioning legs; LEG = 1..NLLG; ! Get data on each loaded candidate OD pair; ! Vector data; ! The Cities, GMT offset, latitude, longitude, initial aircraft; City, GMTOFF, LATI, LNGT, INITA= ! @FILE('C:\temp\aroutingIn.txt'); ! 1; Chicago -6 41.8500 -87.6500 0! 2; Denver -7 39.7392 -104.9903 1! 3; Tucson -7 32.2217 -110.9258 1 ! 4; Salt_Lake_City -7 40.7500 -111.8833 0 ! 5; Phoenix -7 33.4833 -112.0667 0 ! 6; Las_Vegas -8 36.1667 -115.2000 0 ! 7; Los_Angeles -8 34.0522 -118.2428 1 ; ! The city pair trips we want to cover/service; LODPAIR, Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute = ! @FILE('C:\temp\aroutingIn.txt'); ! Origin Destination Local Departure time ; !LEG City City Year Month Day Hour Minute ; 1 Los_Angeles Salt_Lake_City 2017 4 24 10 0 2 Salt_Lake_City Phoenix 2017 4 25 14 20 3 Salt_Lake_City Los_Angeles 2017 4 27 16 0 4 Phoenix Chicago 2017 4 26 11 20 5 Salt_Lake_City Las_Vegas 2017 4 28 16 0 6 Las_Vegas Salt_Lake_City 2017 4 29 12 0 7 Tucson Salt_Lake_City 2017 4 25 15 0 8 Denver Las_Vegas 2017 4 26 8 30 9 Chicago Phoenix 2017 4 27 10 30 ; ! Get travel time matrix in minutes; TRVTIM = ! @FILE('C:\temp\aroutingIn.txt'); ! Presented by row, i.e., a list in which 'To' index moves faster than 'From'; ! Chi Den Tuc SLC Phn LVg LAX ; 0 150 195 190 205 215 240 ! Chicago; 150 0 115 85 120 115 155 ! Denver; 195 115 0 120 60 95 120 ! Tucson; 190 85 120 0 100 85 110 ! Salt_Lake_City; 205 120 60 100 0 85 120 ! Phoenix; 215 115 95 85 85 0 120 ! Las_Vegas; 240 155 120 110 120 120 0 ! Los_Angeles; ; ENDDATA SUBMODEL ROUTEM: ! Variables: Y(n,d,a) = 1 if we do flight leg n, from departure city d to arrival city a, U(n,d,a) = 1 if we do the nth possible deadheading flight, from city d to city a; ! Maximize number of requested flights flown - cost of repositioning flights - cost of aircraft; MAX = OBJ; @FREE( OBJ); OBJ = VL*@SUM( LODPAIR( n, d, a): Y(n,d,a)) ! Loaded flights; - RP*@SUM( RPAIR( n, d, a): U(n,d,a)) ! Repositions; - RA*@SUM( CITY(i): INITUSED(i)); ! Initial AC used at city i; ! You either fly it or you do not; @FOR( LODPAIR( n, d, a): @BIN(Y(n,d,a))); @FOR( RPAIR( n, d, a): @BIN(U(n,d,a))); ! For every departing loaded flight from d to a at time DLTIME, the number of earlier arrivals - earlier departures must be >= Y(n,d,a); @FOR( LODPAIR( n, d, a): [LFLO] INITUSED(d) ! Note, scalar time is in seconds, not minutes; + @SUM( LODPAIR( n1, d1, d) | DLTIME(n1,d1,d) + TRVTIM(d1,d)*60 #LE# DLTIME(n,d,a): Y(n1,d1,d)) ! loaded flights into d; + @SUM( RPAIR( n1, d1, d) | DRTIME(n1,d1,d) + TRVTIM(D1,d)*60 #LE# DLTIME(n,d,a): U(n1,d1,d)) ! Dead-head (unloaded) flights into d; - @SUM(LODPAIR(n1,d,a1) | DLTIME(n1,d,a1) #LT# DLTIME(n,d,a): Y(n1,d,a1)) ! Loaded flights out of d; - @SUM( RPAIR(n1,d,a1) | DRTIME(n1,d,a1) #LE# DLTIME(n,d,a): U(n1,d,a1)) ! Dead head flights out; >= Y(n,d,a); ); ! For every departing repositioning flight from d to a at time DRTIME, the number of earlier arrivals - earlier departures must be >= U(n,d,a); @FOR( RPAIR( n, d, a): [RFLO] INITUSED(d) ! Note, scalar time is in seconds, not minutes; + @SUM( LODPAIR( n1, d1, d) | DLTIME(n1,d1,d) + TRVTIM(d1,d)*60 #LE# DRTIME(n,d,a): Y(n1,d1,d)) ! loaded flights into d; + @SUM( RPAIR( n1, d1, d) | DRTIME(n1,d1,d) + TRVTIM(d1,d)*60 #LE# DRTIME(n,d,a): U(n1,d1,d)) ! Dead-head (unloaded) flights into d; - @SUM(LODPAIR(n1,d,a1) | DLTIME(n1,d,a1) #LE# DRTIME(n,d,a): Y(n1,d,a1)) ! Loaded flights out of d; - @SUM( RPAIR(n1,d,a1) | a1 #NE# a #AND# (DRTIME(n1,d,a1) #LE# DRTIME(n,d,a)): U(n1,d,a1)) ! Dead head flights out; >= U(n,d,a); ); ! Limit on number of aircraft; @SUM( CITY(i): INITUSED(i)) <= LA; @FOR( CITY(i): INITUSED(i) <= INITA( i)); ENDSUBMODEL
PROCEDURE WriteFlatFileIn: ! Send scalar values used/found to a flat file; @DIVERT('c:\temp\RouteParams.txt'); ! Open a file; ! Write the header; @WRITE(' Parameter Value',@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE( ' Trip_Value ',VL, @NEWLINE(1), ' ReposnCost ',RP, @NEWLINE(1), ' RelAircraftCost ',RA, @NEWLINE(1), ' NumAircraftAllowed ',LA, @NEWLINE(1)); @DIVERT( ); ! Close the file; ! Send City specific data to a flat file; @DIVERT('c:\temp\RouteCity.txt'); ! Open a file; ! Write the header; @WRITE( ' CITY LATI LNGT GMTOFF INITA',@NEWLINE(1)); @FOR( CITY(i): @WRITE( ' ', @FORMAT(CITY(i),'18s'), ' ', @FORMAT(LATI(i),'10.3f'), ' ', @FORMAT(LNGT(i),'10.3f'), ,' ', GMTOFF(i), ' ', INITA, @NEWLINE(1)); ); @DIVERT( ); ! Close the file; ENDPROCEDURE PROCEDURE WriteFlatFileOut: ! Write info on loaded trips flown to a flat file; @DIVERT('c:\temp\ARoutingLoad.txt'); ! Open a file; ! Write the header; @WRITE(' CITY_01 CITY_02 yyyy mm dd hr mm dwk',@NEWLINE(1)); ! A while loop to print the legs used, sorted by DLTIME; @FOR( LODPAIR( n, d, a): PLFLAG(n,d,a) = 1); ! PLFLAG = 0 if already printed; MORE = 1; @WHILE(MORE: MORE = 0; CTIME = 9999999999; @FOR( LODPAIR( n, d, a) | PLFLAG(n,d,a) #AND# (Y(n,d,a) #GT# 0.5): CTEMP = DLTIME(n,d,a); @IFC( CTEMP #LT# CTIME: MORE = 1; CTIME = CTEMP; nsv=n; dsv=d; asv=a; ); ); @IFC( MORE: PLFLAG(nsv,dsv,asv) = 0; ! Convert DLTIME(n,d,a) back to year month, day, hour minute; CTIME = CTIME + 3600*GMTOFF(dsv); ! Take into account local time, convert hrs to secs; IYR, IMON, IDAY, IWKD, IHR, IMIN, ISEC = @STM2YMDHMS( ctime); @WRITE( @FORMAT(CITY(dsv),'18s') ,' ',@FORMAT(CITY(asv),'18s'),' ',IYR,' ', IMON,' ',@FORMAT(IDAY,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IHR,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IMIN,'2.0F'),' ',DOW(IWKD),@NEWLINE(1)); ); ); @DIVERT(); ! Close the file; ! Write info on repositioning flights to flat file; @DIVERT('c:\temp\ARoutingRepo.txt'); ! Open a file; ! Write the header; @WRITE(' CITY_01 CITY_02 yyyy mm dd hr mm dwk',@NEWLINE(1)); @FOR( RPAIR( n, d, a) | U(n,d,a) #GT# 0.5: ! Convert DRTIME(n,d,a) back to year month, day, hour minute; CTIME = DRTIME(n,d,a)+ 3600*GMTOFF(d); ! Take into account local time, convert hrs to secs; IYR, IMON, IDAY, IWKD, IHR, IMIN, ISEC = @STM2YMDHMS( ctime); @WRITE( @FORMAT(CITY(d),'18s'),' ',@FORMAT(CITY(a),'18s'),' ',IYR,' ', IMON,' ',@FORMAT(IDAY,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IHR,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IMIN,'2.0F'),' ',DOW(IWKD),@NEWLINE(1)); ); @DIVERT(); ! Close the file; ENDPROCEDURE PROCEDURE WriteSolnReport: ! Write a little report; @WRITE(' Value/trip covered= ',VL,@NEWLINE(1), ' Relative cost/repositioning= ',RP,@NEWLINE(1),' Relative cost/aircraft= ',RA, @NEWLINE(1),' Number aircraft allowed= ',LA, @NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(@NEWLINE(1),' Number requested trips covered= ', @SUM(LODPAIR(n,d,a)| Y(n,d,a) #GT# 0.5 :1), ' (of ',@SUM(LODPAIR(n,d,a) :1),')',@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' Number aircraft used= ',@SUM(CITY(i):INITUSED(I)),@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' Net profit contribution= ', OBJ,@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' City Lat. Long. GMT offset Init. veh.:',@NEWLINE(1)); @FOR( CITY(i): @WRITE( @FORMAT(CITY(i),'18s'), ' ', @FORMAT(LATI(i),'10.3f'), ' ', @FORMAT(LNGT(i),'10.3f'), ,' ', GMTOFF(i), ' ', INITUSED(i), @NEWLINE(1)); ); @WRITE(@NEWLINE(1),' Loaded flights selected: Depart at(local time)',@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' Origin Destination yyyy mm dd hr mm dwk',@NEWLINE(1)); ! A while loop to print the legs used, sorted by DLTIME; @FOR( LODPAIR( n, d, a): PLFLAG(n,d,a) = 1); ! PLFLAG = 0 if already printed; MORE = 1; @WHILE(MORE: MORE = 0; CTIME = 9999999999; @FOR( LODPAIR( n, d, a) | PLFLAG(n,d,a) #AND# (Y(n,d,a) #GT# 0.5): CTEMP = DLTIME(n,d,a); @IFC( CTEMP #LT# CTIME: MORE = 1; CTIME = CTEMP; nsv=n; dsv=d; asv=a; ); ); @IFC( MORE: PLFLAG(nsv,dsv,asv) = 0; ! Convert DLTIME(n,d,a) back to year month, day, hour minute; CTIME = CTIME + 3600*GMTOFF(dsv); ! Take into account local time, convert hrs to secs; IYR, IMON, IDAY, IWKD, IHR, IMIN, ISEC = @STM2YMDHMS( ctime); @WRITE( @FORMAT(CITY(dsv),'18s') ,' ',@FORMAT(CITY(asv),'18s'),' ',IYR,' ', IMON,' ',@FORMAT(IDAY,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IHR,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IMIN,'2.0F'),' ',DOW(IWKD),@NEWLINE(1)); ); ); !@DIVERT(); @WRITE(@NEWLINE(1),' Repositioning Flights:',@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' Origin Destination yyyy mm dd hh mm dwk',@NEWLINE(1)); @FOR( RPAIR( n, d, a) | U(n,d,a) #GT# 0.5: ! Convert DRTIME(n,d,a) back to year month, day, hour minute; CTIME = DRTIME(n,d,a)+ 3600*GMTOFF(d); ! Take into account local time, convert hrs to secs; IYR, IMON, IDAY, IWKD, IHR, IMIN, ISEC = @STM2YMDHMS( ctime); @WRITE( @FORMAT(CITY(d),'18s'),' ',@FORMAT(CITY(a),'18s'),' ',IYR,' ', IMON,' ',@FORMAT(IDAY,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IHR,'2.0F'),' ',@FORMAT(IMIN,'2.0F'),' ',DOW(IWKD),@NEWLINE(1)); ); ENDPROCEDURE PROCEDURE PlotIt: ! Build vectors to prepare to draw various networks; @FOR( LODPAIR(n,d,a): DCITY(n,d,a) = d; ! Departure city of leg; ACITY(n,d,a) = a; ! Arrival city of leg; ! Time that a flight arrives at destination city; ALTIME(n,d,a) = DLTIME(n,d,a) + TRVTIM(d,a)*60; ); ! Draw a geographic network of flights; @CHARTNETNODE( ' Latt/Long Display of Cities and Loaded Flights' ! Title of chart; , 'Latitude', 'Longitude' ! Labels for horizontal and vertical; , 'Flights to cover' ! Legend for arc set 1; , LNGT, LATI ! Coordinates of the nodes; , DCITY, ACITY); ! Node pairs of arcs; ! Get ready to draw a space time diagram; TBASE = @MIN(LODPAIR(n,d,a): DLTIME(n,d,a)); ! Earliest departure time; ! Build the set of repositioning legs actually used; NUMREP = 0; @FOR( RPAIR(n,d,a) | U(n,d,a) #GT# 0.5: NUMREP = NUMREP + 1; @INSERT( RPAIRU, n, d, a); DUTIME(n,d,a)= (DRTIME(n,d,a)-TBASE)/3600; ! Depart time in hours from TBASE; AUTIME(n,d,a)= (DRTIME(n,d,a) + TRVTIM(d,a)*60-TBASE)/3600; ! Arrive time; ); ! Create subset of flights actually flown; @FOR( LODPAIR(n,d,a) | Y(n,d,a) #gt# 0.5: ! Get time in hours from TBASE of loaded arcs; @INSERT( LODPAIRA, n, d, a); DLATIME(n,d,a) = (DLTIME(n,d,a)-TBASE)/3600; ! Depart time in hours from TBASE; ALATIME(n,d,a) = (ALTIME(n,d,a)-TBASE)/3600; ); @CHARTSPACETIME( 'Space/Time Diagram of Flights', 'Time in hours', 'City', 'Loaded flights', LODPAIRA, ! OD Pair list 1; DLATIME, ! Origin time list 1; ALATIME ! Destination time list 1; ); ! Draw a space-time diagram...; @IFC( NUMREP #GT# 0: ! Space/Time chart has time plotted on one axis, horizontal in this case, and "linearized text labeled space" on the other axis, city names vertically in this case; @CHARTSPACETIME( 'Space/Time Diagram of Flights', 'Time in hours', 'City', 'Loaded flights', LODPAIRA, ! OD Pair list 1; DLATIME, ! Origin time list 1; ALATIME, ! Destination time list 1; 'Reposition flights', RPAIRU, ! OD Pair list 2; DUTIME, ! Origin time list 2; AUTIME); ! Destination time list 2; @ELSE @CHARTSPACETIME( 'Space/Time Diagram of Flights', 'Time in hours', 'City', 'Loaded flights', LODPAIRA, ! OD Pair list 1; DLATIME, ! Origin time list 1; ALATIME); ! Destination time list 1; ); ENDPROCEDURE CALC: @SET( 'TERSEO',2); ! Output level (0:verb, 1:terse, 2:only errors, 3:none); @SET( 'IPTOLR', 0.000001); ! Set ending relative optimality tolerance; @SET( 'TIM2RL', 5); ! Time in seconds to apply optimality tolerance; @SET( 'DUALCO', 0); ! Set dual computations (0:off, 1:On); @SET( 'OROUTE',1); ! Route output immediately to the window line by line; @SET( 'GLOBAL',0); ! 0:Do not use Global solver, 1:Use the Globasolver; ! For each load, Convert Year, Month, Day, Hour, Minute(n,d,a) to a scalar DLTIME(n,d,a) so we can do simple comparisons and calendar arithmetic; ! Compute departure time in scalar GMT time for each loaded flight; @FOR( LODPAIR( n, d, a): DLTIME(n,d,a) = @YMD2STM( Year(n,d,a), Month(n,d,a), Day(n,d,a) , Hour(n,d,a), Minute(n,d,a), 0) - 3600*GMTOFF(d); ! Take into account local time, convert hours to seconds; ); ! Construct the set of candidate repositioning legs. For each departing flight from city j, we add a candidate repositioning leg from every other city i, j #NE# i, at TRVTIM(i,j) minutes earlier ; k = 0; @FOR( LODPAIR( n, j, a): @FOR( CITY(i) | i #NE# j: k = k+1; ! Insert into the RPAIR set, the triple (k, i, j); @INSERT( RPAIR, k, i, j); ! Now that the element has been added to the set, we can set its attributes; ! Note, travel times are in minutes, scalar TRVTIM(i,j) in seconds; DRTIME(k,i,j) = DLTIME(n,j,a) - TRVTIM(i,j)*60; ); ); ! @GEN( ROUTEM); ! Maximize the value of loaded flights flown, minus cost of repositioning legs and airplanes used; @SOLVE( ROUTEM); ! Write a little solution report to the screen; WriteSolnReport; ! Write Flat file of input; ! WriteFlatFileIn; ! Write Flat file of output; ! WriteFlatFileOut; ! If we want to plot; PlotIt; ENDCALC END