! Given a function of 2 variables,   (ChartPcontour.lng)
  1) Create Surface and Contour charts of it,
  2) Find a global minimum ; 
! Keywords: Chart, Graph, ChartPsurface, ChartPcontour, Global;
PROCEDURE bivariatefun:
  fval = x*@SIN(y) + y*@SIN(x);

SUBMODEL bivariateopt:
  min = fxy;
  fxy = x*@SIN(y) + y*@SIN(x);
  @free( fxy);  ! It could be < 0;
  @BND( lb, x, ub);
  @BND( lb, y, ub);
CALC: lb = -10; ! Lower bound for x & y; ub = 10; ! Upper bound for x & y; @CHARTPSURFACE( 'f(x,y)=x*sin(y)+y*sin(x)', ! Chart title; 'X-axis', 'Y-axis', 'z-axis', ! Titles of the axes; bivariatefun, ! Name of function procedure; x, lb, ub, ! X variable and bounds; y, lb, ub, ! Y variable and bounds; 'f(x,y)', fval); ! Output title and variable; @CHARTPCONTOUR( 'f(x,y)=x*sin(y)+y*sin(x)', ! Chart title; 'X-axis', 'Y-axis', 'z-axis', ! Titles of the axes; bivariatefun, ! Name of function procedure; x, lb, ub, ! X variable and bounds; y, lb, ub, ! Y variable and bounds; 'f(x,y)', fval); ! Output title and variable; ! Optimize it; @SET( 'GLOBAL',1); ! Use Global solver? 0:No, 1:Yes; @SOLVE( bivariateopt); @WRITE(' f(x,y) achieves a global minimum value = ', fxy, ', at x = ',x,', y = ',y, @NEWLINE(1)); ENDCALC