! Find minimum circle radius that encloses             (CircleMin.lng)
 a set of points in 2-space;
! Keywords: Circle, Circumscribe, Cone, Enclosing circle, Euclidean distance, 
    Hull, LINGO, Radius, Second order cone, SOC;
 POINT: x, y;
DATA: ! These happen to be corner points of a maximum area polygon for which the distance between any pair is <= 1; x = 0.4514926 0.2357990 -0.1126499 -0.4473675 -0.5421421 0.000000; y = 0.4561146 0.9718018 0.9936347 0.8943502 0.3434647 0.000000; ENDDATA ! Variables: x0 = x coordinate of the center of enclosing circle, y0 = y coordinate of the center of enclosing circle R = radius of circle; ! Minimize the radius; MIN = R; @FREE( x0); @FREE( y0); ! Each point must be distance <= r from center of circle, using Euclidean distance. This happens to be a second order cone constraint; @FOR( POINT(i): ( x(i) - x0)^2 + ( y(i) - y0)^2 <= r^2; );