! Clustering.                          (ClusterDisk.lng)
Partition items into clusters so that items in the
same cluster are close together according to some distance metric;
! Keywords: Cluster analysis, File allocation;
  IXI( ITEM, ITEM) | &1 #GT# &2: D, Y;
! Clustering problem. Assign files of various sizes to three different disks so that files that tend to be used by the same program are assigned to different disks so the interference is minimized; DATA: CLUSTER = 1..3; CSIZE = 885; ! Maximum cluster size; ITEM = A..J; ITMSIZ = 110 238 425 338 55 391 267 105 256 64; ! Distance matrix; D = 43 120 10 57 111 188 96 78 46 88 83 58 421 60 63 77 198 207 109 73 74 31 50 43 47 51 21 88 38 69 55 21 36 391 47 96 212 91 84 53 71 40 37 35 221; ENDDATA ! Variables: X(i,k) = 1 if item i is assigned to cluster k, Y(i,j) = 1 if items i and j are in the same cluster ; ! Minimize the distance among items in same cluster; MIN = @SUM( IXI(i,j): D(i,j)*Y(i,j)); ! Each item i must be in some cluster k; @FOR( ITEM(i): @SUM( CLUSTER(k): Z(i,k)) = 1; ); ! Cannot exceed capacity of each cluster k; @FOR( CLUSTER(k): @SUM( ITEM(i): ITMSIZ(i)*Z(i,k)) <= CSIZE(k); ); ! Measure interaction. Force Y(i,j) = 1 if i and j in same cluster; @FOR( IXI(i,j): @FOR( CLUSTER(k): Y(i,j) >= Z(i,k) + Z(j,k) - 1; ); ); ! Z(i,k) can be only 0 or 1; @FOR( IXC(i,k): @BIN( Z(i,k)); ); ! Optionally, Kill some symmetry; ! We may arbitrarily order the clusters so If item i is in cluster k, then some lower numbered item must be in cluster k-1; @FOR( IXC(i,k) | k #GT# 1: Z(i,k) <= @SUM( ITEM( j) | j #LT# i: Z(j,k-1)) );