! Enumerate all integer points in an n-dimensional box; 
!( Enumr8Box.lng);
! Keywords: Enumeration, Combinations, Depth first search;
! Each item has a lower bound and an upper bound;
DATA: ITEM = F34 F24 F15 F18 F10;! Items; LBX = 0 0 3 0 0;! Min copies of each; UBX = 1 2 4 1 1;! Max copies of each; ENDDATA PROCEDURE ENUMR8: ! Get next feasible integer point in a box; ! Inputs: NITEMS = number of items/dimensions, LBX(i) = lowest integer value for IX(i), for i= 1, 2, ... NITEMS, UBX(i) = highest integer value for IX(i), IX( ) = previous combination, initial combination is LBX(1), LBX(2),..., LBX(NITEMS). Outputs: ii = 1 if all combinations enumerated, else 0, IX( ) = next combination; ! The depth first algorithm; ! Find the highest index, ii, for which IX(ii) #LT# UB(ir); ii = NITEMS + 1; @WHILE( ii #GT# 1: ii = ii - 1; @IFC( IX(ii) #LT# UBX(ii): ! and increase it by 1; IX(ii) = IX(ii) + 1; ii = 0; ! This means we found one to increase; @ELSE IX(ii) = LBX(ii); ); ! @IFC( IX(ii ; ); ! @WHILE( ir; ! After falling through, ii = 1 means all were at UB; ENDPROCEDURE CALC: NITEMS = @SIZE(ITEM); ! Enumerate all integer points in the box, LBX( ) <= IX() <= UB(); PASSES = 0; ii = 0; ! Initial solution is all at LBX(); @FOR( ITEM(i): IX(i) = LBX(i);); ! Loop over all combinations, We are done when ii = 1; @WHILE( ii #NE# 1: PASSES = PASSES+1; @WRITE( @FORMAT( PASSES, '4.0f'),':'); @FOR( ITEM(i): @WRITE( @FORMAT( ix(i),' 3.0f')); ); @WRITE( @NEWLINE(1)); ENUMR8; ! Get next combo; ); ENDCALC