!  Maximum Likelihood estimation of a GARCH model.
Given a series of observations, we want to estimate the data generation process, 
allowing variance to vary over time  following a 
first order generalized autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity model  
(i.e. GARCH(p,q), p=1 & q=1).   
The y(t) are assumed to be generated by the process:
    y(t) = alpha0 + alpha1*x(t) + a(t),
    a(t) = s(t)*e(t),
    s(t)^2 = beta0 + beta1*a(t-1)^2 + beta2*s(t-1)^2.
 where e(t) is white noise.                      
!  Reference: Hamilton, James D. (1994). Time Series Analysis,
 Princeton University Press (see Chapter 21).
Based on a What'sBest! model by Eren Ocakverdi;                     
!  Keywords:  ARIMA, Econometrics, Forecasting, GARCH, Heteroscedasticity,
   Maximum Likelihood, Time Series, Volatility Modeling, 
! When solving, it is useful to use the multistart feature.
  Click on:
   Solver | Options... | Global Solver | Multistart solver Attempts | 4
   Solver | Options... | Global Solver | Use Global Solver | unchecked  ;
  OBS: x, y, a2, s2, lns2, a2s2;
DATA: ! Data could alternatively be retrieved from a spreadsheet if the corresponding ranges in the spreadsheet are named X and Y, and there is only one spreadsheet open in Excel, and using the statements: ! y = @OLE( ); ! x = @OLE( ); Y X = -0.3708295 -1.4196 0.2287753 -2.2396 0.2081382 -0.4196 0.0068829 -2.5446 1.1795391 -1.2646 3.1387306 -0.4846 8.2863123 2.7354 0.1658157 -1.5946 5.3619457 2.5554 3.8964039 -0.0046 -1.1897701 -6.1796 5.2908945 0.4404 8.2525741 0.1104 6.8349661 0.0704 4.2805493 -1.3146 10.4264812 -2.3296 4.0687621 -2.2696 1.8502611 -1.3046 -1.3458486 -3.5796 -1.8730369 -4.5696 -2.8381844 -5.5696 5.3310167 8.2054 0.0732557 -2.1846 -0.7577384 -1.3696 4.4930833 7.2404 2.2265120 3.0254 2.5421704 1.2904 2.9213433 2.3404 5.7213486 2.7404 3.6311287 2.4054 2.7817124 -3.1396 5.9180655 -1.1296 2.2575107 -1.9946 5.7674948 2.7154 9.2050620 1.5054 -0.0209955 -0.5696 5.6606594 6.1704 2.1783104 0.2604 1.5737642 1.2754 0.9454083 -0.5546 1.8044255 -0.5546 2.8915052 2.0454 2.5810686 -0.3846 0.7529759 -0.1596 0.6981101 1.1404 -0.5896699 -1.1146 0.3986052 0.2354 3.7521638 3.0854 1.9010561 -1.8446 1.4289591 -0.8096 5.4507511 -0.5696 7.5936498 0.2554 8.0108612 -0.6396 6.3355794 2.4804 4.2950874 -0.7446 2.1758734 -0.7196 3.3352518 0.0554 0.9927065 -1.9896 4.8748990 2.1504 3.8428777 0.3504 0.9342661 -2.8396 0.7488359 -0.5746 2.7820806 1.6504 2.8280793 4.0604 0.8892052 1.1104 0.2164499 -0.6196 1.8584283 2.8054 1.9861690 2.0654 1.7550617 -0.3346 -2.2903837 -5.4296 1.0867499 1.5404 1.4195743 0.8654 2.4263522 2.3254 0.0010931 -1.2346 3.0172286 3.3704 1.6453181 0.4004 1.2380105 -0.8246 4.1735987 2.4604 2.2087904 0.5204 3.4052056 3.1954 4.2784727 0.2404 3.2013125 -3.6396 8.4369970 3.0254 1.6932748 1.2504 2.2554868 3.5104 1.0315299 0.0404 -3.6637109 -6.1446 2.4601249 2.2954 3.8984784 2.8704 2.8347394 1.7754 2.9695648 3.3704 1.6975146 1.2054 1.1658735 1.3854 1.7135134 1.1904 4.7345067 5.3504 -0.8121917 -2.0596 -0.4192262 -2.2096 1.2585376 0.5704 1.9207934 2.4304 0.1402132 -0.4546 ; ENDDATA NOBS = @SIZE( OBS); PI = 3.141592654; s2(1) = 5.295; ! Compute intermediate terms; ! Observation 1 is special; a2(1) = ( y(1)- alpha0- alpha1* x(1))^2; s2(1) = 5.295; @FOR( OBS(i) | i #GT# 1 : a2( i) = ( y( i)- alpha0- alpha1*x( i))^2; s2( i) = beta0 + beta1* a2( i-1) + beta2* s2( i-1); ); ! Maximize the log likelihood function; MAX = -@SUM( OBS( i): @LOG( s2( i)))/2 -( NOBS*@LOG(2* PI)/2) - @SUM( OBS(i): a2( i)/ s2( i))/2; ! Some apriori constraints on the parameters; alpha0 >= 0.2; alpha1 >= 0.1; beta0 >= 0.1; beta1 >= 0.2; beta2 >= 0.01;