! Facility interdiction model in LINGO.
 Player 2 has
  a set of demand points i,
  a set of supply points j, and
 d(i,j) = distance or cost of supplying 
   demand point i from supply facility j.
 Player 2 uses the rule: each demand point is
  assigned to the closest supply facility that is operating.
 Player 1 would like to interdict/destroy the r facilities
that will increase the supply costs of Player 2 the most.
 Which r facilities should be interdicted by Player 1?
! Reference:
  Church, R., M. Scaparra, and R. Middleton(2004),
"Identifying Critical Infrastructure: 
The Median and Covering Facility Interdiction Problems", 
Annals of Association of American Geographers, vol. 93, no. 3, pp. 491-502; 
! Keywords: Interdiction, Game theory, Assignment, Target selection;
   DP: a; ! Set of demand points;
   FP: s; ! Set of facility points;
   DXF( DP, FP): d, x;
! Parameters: a(i) = demand at demand point i, d(i,j) = distance between demand point i and facility point j, r = number of facilities to be interdicted or eliminated; DATA: DP = 1..6; ! The demand points; FP = 1..4; ! The current facility points; a = 9 4 8 5 2 3; ! Demand at each demand point; d = 4 3 8 2 ! The demand x facility ; 1 3 8 5 ! distance matrix; 5 3 4 8 9 2 3 4 3 9 1 1 6 2 5 3; ENDDATA SUBMODEL INTERDICT: ! Variables: s(j) = 1 if facility at location j is interdicted, x(i,j) = 1 if demand i was assigned to facility j after interdiction. Maximize the cost of the assignment, the objective of the player doing the interdicting.; MAX = Z; Z = @SUM(DXF(i,j): a(i)*d(i,j)*x(i,j)); ! Number of interdicted facilities = r; @SUM(FP(j): s(j)) = r; ! Each demand point i is assigned to some facility point j; @FOR( DP(i): @SUM( DXF(i,j): x(i,j)) = 1; ); ! The objective of the player 2. Each demand point i, cannot be assigned to a facility k more distant than j except if j has been interdicted; @FOR( DP(i): @FOR( FP(j): @SUM( DXF(i,k) | k #NE# j #AND# d(i,k) #GT# d(i,j): x(i,k)) <= s(j); ); ); ! Apply the 0/1 restrictions; @FOR( FP(j): @BIN(s(j))); @FOR( DXF(i,j): @BIN(x(i,j))); ENDSUBMODEL
CALC: ! Turn off default output; @SET('TERSEO', 2); ! Try all possible number of facilities to interdict; @WRITE(' Interdiction of a Supply System.',@NEWLINE(1)); @FOR( FP(r1): r = r1-1; @SOLVE( INTERDICT); @WRITE(' If Player 1 can interdict ', r,' facilities,',@NEWLINE(1), ' Cost to player 2 is: ',Z, @NEWLINE(1), ' Facilities to interdict are:'); @FOR( FP(j) | s(j) #GT# 0.5: @WRITE(' ',FP(j)); ); @IFC( r #EQ# 0: @WRITE(' None')); @WRITE( @NEWLINE(1),' Player 2 assignments are:',@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' Demand point Supply facility',@NEWLINE(1)); @FOR( DXF(i,j) | X(i,j) #GT# 0.5: @WRITE(' ', i, ' ', j, @NEWLINE(1)); ); @WRITE(@NEWLINE(1)); ); ENDCALC