! One machine job selection;

 ! There are six jobs each of which has a Due Date,
   Processing Time, Value, and a flag variable Y 
   indicating if the job has been selected.;
  JOB/1..6/: ! Each job has a...;
   DD,  ! Due date;
   PT,  ! Processing time;
   VAL, ! Value if job is selected;
   Y;   ! = 1 if job is selected, else 0;
DATA: VAL = 9 2 4 2 4 6; DD = 9 3 6 5 7 2; PT = 5 2 4 3 1 2; ENDDATA ! Maximize the total value of the jobs taken; MAX = TVAL; TVAL = @SUM( JOB: VAL * Y); ! For the jobs we do, we do in due date order; @FOR( JOB( J): ! Only jobs with earlier due dates can precede job J, and jobs must be completed by their due dates; @SUM( JOB( I)| DD( I) #LT# DD( J) #OR# ( DD( I) #EQ# DD( J) #AND# I #LE# J): PT( I) * Y( I)) <= DD( J); ! Make the Y's binary; @BIN( Y); ); END