! Learning curve model;
  ! Assuming that each time the number produced 
    doubles, the cost per unit decreases by a 
    constant rate, predict COST per unit with 
    the equation:
    COST(i) = A * VOLUME(i) ^ B;
  ! The OBS set contains the data for COST 
    and VOLUME;
     COST,   ! The dependent variable;
     VOLUME; ! The independent variable;
  ! The OUT set contains the outputs of the model.
    Note: R will contain the output results.;
! Data on hours per ton, cumulative tons for a papermill based on Balof, J. Ind. Eng., Jan. 1966; DATA: COST = .1666, .1428, .1250, .1111; VOLUME = 8, 60, 100 190; ENDDATA ! The model; SETS: ! The derived set OBSN contains the set of logarithms of our dependent and independent variables as well the mean shifted values; OBSN( OBS): LX, LY, XS, YS; ENDSETS
NK = @SIZE( OBS); ! Take the logs; @FOR( OBSN( I): LX( I) = @LOG( VOLUME( I)); LY( I) = @LOG( COST( I)); ); ! Compute means; XBAR = @SUM( OBSN: LX)/ NK; YBAR = @SUM( OBSN: LY)/ NK; ! Shift the observations by their means; @FOR( OBSN: XS = LX - XBAR; YS = LY - YBAR); ! Compute various sums of squares; XYBAR = @SUM( OBSN: XS * YS); XXBAR = @SUM( OBSN: XS * XS); YYBAR = @SUM( OBSN: YS * YS); ! Finally, the regression equation; SLOPE = XYBAR/ XXBAR; CONS = YBAR - SLOPE * XBAR; RESID = @SUM( OBSN: ( YS - SLOPE * XS)^2); ! The unadjusted/adjusted fraction of variance explained; [X1]R( @INDEX( RSQRU)) = 1 - RESID/ YYBAR; [X2]R( @INDEX( RSQRA)) = 1 - ( RESID/ YYBAR) * ( NK - 1)/( NK - 2); [X3]R( @INDEX( A)) = @EXP( CONS); [X4]R( @INDEX( B)) = - SLOPE; [X5]R( @INDEX( RATE)) = 2 ^ SLOPE; ! Some variables must be unconstrained in sign; @FOR( OBSN: @FREE( LY); @FREE( XS); @FREE( YS)); @FREE( YBAR); @FREE( XBAR); @FREE( SLOPE); @FREE( XYBAR); @FREE( CONS); END