! Using Lagrangean relaxation to try to get
better bounds, and perhaps solve a 
Task to Machine assignment problem;
   Geoffrion, A. (1974),"Lagrangean Relaxation for Integer Programming",
Math. Programming Study 2, pp.82-114;
! Keywords: Lagrangean relaxation, Task Assignment;
DATA: ! A set of tasks...; TASK = T01 T02 T03 T04 T05 T06 T07; ! and machines to which tasks can be assigned; MACH = M01 M02 M03; ! Time capacity available on each machine; TIMEA = 40 40 60; ! Value of assigning task i to machine j; VAL = 24 43 41 17 52 28 81 73 74 39 48 47 55 62 58 73 71 68 29 38 36; ! Usage by task i of machine j capacity; USAGE = 24 28 19 32 31 29 21 18 15 17 14 21 11 13 19 17 12 17 15 15 17; ENDDATA SUBMODEL REAL_PROB: ! The original, full model is...; MAX = OBJ; OBJ = @SUM( TASK(i): @SUM( MACH(j): VAL(i,j)*Y(i,j))); ! Cannot assign more work to machine j than capacity available; @FOR( MACH(j): [CAP] @SUM( TASK(i): USAGE(i, j)*Y(i,j)) <= TIMEA(j) ); ! Can assign task i to at most one machine. These constraints will be relaxed vial Lagrange multipliers; @FOR( TASK(i): [ATMOST1] @SUM( MACH(j): Y(i,j)) <= 1; ! Apply muliplier LAMBD(i); ); ! The Y(i,j) must be 0 or 1. Can turn this off by setting NORELAX = 0; @FOR( TXM( i,j) | NORELAX : @BIN( Y(i,j))); ! End of original full model; ENDSUBMODEL
SUBMODEL SOLVE_MACH: ! Relaxed problem for machine jnow if the ATMOST1 constraints are relaxed. The problem decomposes into a separate problem for each machine; ! Inputs: jnow = machine for which we are solving knapsack/loading problem; ! Maximize value minus lagrange multiplier charge of tasks assigned to machine jnow; MAX = OBJ; OBJ = @SUM( TASK(i): VAL(i,jnow)*Y(i,jnow)) - @SUM( TASK(i): LAMBDA(i)*Y(i,jnow)); ! Cannot assign more work to machine jnow than time available; [CAPJ] @SUM( TASK(i): USAGE(i, jnow)*Y(i,jnow)) <= TIMEA(jnow); ! The Y(i,j) must be 0 or 1, i.e., binary; @FOR( TASK(i): @BIN( Y(i,jnow))); ENDSUBMODEL
CALC: @SET('TERSEO',2); ! Output level (0:verb, 1:terse, 2:errors, 3:none); @SET('OROUTE',1); ! Route every line immediately to the window; ! If we want to cheat and solve the orginal problem, turn this on; ! NORELAX = 0; ! @SOLVE( REAL_PROB); ! @WRITE(' True optimal value= ', OBJ, @NEWLINE(1)); ! Guess initial multipliers; @FOR( TASK(i): LAMBDA(i) = 0; ); ! Initial multiplier adjustment factor; DELTA = 10; ! Max iteration limit; ITERMX = 100; ! Current interation number; iter = 0; @WRITE(' Iteration Upper bound Lower bound Step size', @NEWLINE(1)); ! Main loop, adjusting Lagrange multipliers each pass. One may wish to add additional termination conditions besides a max iterations limit; @WHILE( iter #LT# ITERMX: iter = iter + 1; ! For given set of Lagrange Multipliers, solve current relaxed problem. The relaxation separates into independent problems for each machine; UBOUND = @SUM( TASK(i): LAMBDA(i)*1); @FOR( MACH( j): jnow = j; @SOLVE( SOLVE_MACH); UBOUND = UBOUND + OBJ; ! Save the current Y values; @FOR( TASK(i): YCUR(i,jnow) = Y(i,jnow); ); ); ! Begin code to adjust the multipliers; @FOR( TASK(i): ! Compute the LHS of the relaxed constraint; LHS = @SUM( MACH(j) | YCUR(i,j) #GT# 0.5: 1); ! Begin code to adjust multiplier based on the amount of constraint violation. Increase LAMBDA(i) if violated, decrease if there is slack. There may be better ways to do this; LAMBDA(i) = @SMAX(0, LAMBDA(i) + DELTA*(LHS - 1)); ! @WRITE(i,' LHS=', LHS,' Adjust multiplier to ', LAMBDA(i),@NEWLINE(1)); ); ! Multiplier adjustment step size adjustment. The stepsize must decrease towards 0 to get convergence. There may be better ways to this; DELTA = DELTA*(iter+1)/(iter+2); ! End code to adjust multipliers and stepsize; ! Begin code to try to find a feasible solution from the relaxed solution. There may be better ways of guessing a feasible solution; @FOR( TASK(i): ! Compute the LHS of the relaxed constraint; LHS = @SUM( MACH(j) | YCUR(i,j) #GT# 0.5: 1); ! If LHS > 1, then decrease LHS by setting some of the YCUR(i,j) = 0 until constraint is feasible; @FOR( MACH(j) | YCUR(i,j) #GE# 0.5 #AND# LHS #GT# 1: YCUR(i,j) = 0; LHS = LHS - 1; ); ); ! Compute the objective value of this feasible solution; LBOUND = @SUM( TXM(i,j): VAL(i,j)*YCUR(i,j)); ! End code to try to find a feasible solution; ! If the original problem is nonconvex, e.g., has integer variables, then it is generally impossible to reduce the gap between UBOUND and LBOUND to 0; @WRITE(@FORMAT(iter,'5.0f'),' ', @FORMAT( UBOUND,'12.2f'), ' ', @FORMAT(LBOUND,'12.2f'),' ',@FORMAT(DELTA,'10.3f'),@NEWLINE(1)); ); ! @WHILE( iter...; ENDCALC