! Unordered Lexico maximization of allocations (inherit.lng)
 to several parties/participants.
  Given a number of participants(parties/criteria), each with their
own objective or utility function, we want to
find a solution to a shared problem so that the smallest
utility is maximized, given that, the second smallest
utility is maximized, given that, the third etc...
  It follows that the solution is Pareto optimal.
  The specific shared problem is to allocate a number
of discrete items from an inheritance to the heirs, with
each heir having her own set of values for each of the
items to be allocated;

! References:
Serafini, P. (1996), "Scheduling Jobs on Several Machines with the Job Splitting Property",
Operations Research, Vol. 44, No. 4, (July-August), pp. 617-628.
Maschler, M., B. Peleg, and L. S. Shapley (1979), 
"Geometric Properties of the Kernel, Nucleolus, and Related Solution Concepts",
 Mathematics of Operations Research, vol. 4, No. 4 (Nov), pp. 303-338.

!Keywords: Allocation, Assignment problem, Fair allocation, Goal programming,
     Inheritance, Lexico-max, Minimax, Nucleolus, Pareto optimal,
     Pre-emptive goal programming, Multi-criteria, Unordered lexico-max;
      base, sumjsmall, sofs;
  IxC( ITEM, CRITERIA) : value, z;
DATA: BigM = 9999; ! A number > any possible allocation; ! Data set 1, unique preferences; ITEM = Photos, Silver, Tables, Books_ HiFi__ Misc__; ! The parties receiving the allocations; CRITERIA = Tom Dick Harry Joan; value = !Photos; 21 14 23 10 !Silver; 18 13 10 13 !Tables; 26 10 20 31 !Books; 12 39 5 23 !HiFi; 15 17 40 14 !Misc; 8 7 2 9! Comments on this data set. Notice that each person's valuations sum to 100. Thus, if all had identical valuations, the average that each would get would = 25.; ! Data set 2, common preferences, e.g., market value; ! ITEM = Photos, Silver, Tables, Books_ HiFi__ Car___ Miscl_; ! CRITERIA = Tom Dick Harry Joan; ! value = !Photos 13 13 13 13 !Silver 21 21 21 21 !Tables 18 18 18 18 !Books_ 15 15 15 15 !HiFi__ 10 10 10 10 !Car___ 15 15 15 15 !Misc__ 8 8 8 8 ; ENDDATA SUBMODEL ULexMxMn: ! Maximize the sum of the k smallest VAL_REC(i) Variables: VAL_REC(j) = the utility (more is better) achieved by CRITERIA j, base( j) = jth smallest VAL_REC(i) when maximizing the sum of the j smallest VAL_REC(i), delta( i, j) = amount by which VAL_REC(i) is less than base( j), when maximizing the sum of j smallest, = 0 if >= base(j) sofs( k) = sum of k smallest values received; MAX = sofs( k); ! Force delta( i, j) @FOR( CRITERIA( i): @FOR( CRITERIA( j) : [NFORC] delta( i, j) >= base( j) - VAL_REC( i) ; ); ); ! Notice or verify that in the constraints, sofs( k) = k* base( k) - @sum( CRITERIA( i): delta( i, k)), and delta( i, j) >= base( j) - VAL_REC( i) We can maximize sofs( k) if we set base( k) = kth smallest of the VAL_REC( i), then sofs( k) = sum of the k smallest. Notice that for any other value of base( k), sofs( k) <= sum of k smallest; @FOR( CRITERIA( j): @free( base( j)); ! Allow < 0; @FREE( sofs( j)); [LVL] sofs( j) = j* base( j) - @SUM( CRITERIA( i): delta( i, j)); ! Limit sum of j smallest for j < k; [PREVP] sofs( j) >= sumjsmall( j); ); ! Here are the regular constraints; ! Constraints on permissible allocations; ! Can assign object i to at most one CRITERIA; @FOR( ITEM( i): @SUM( CRITERIA(j): z( i, j)) <= 1; ); @FOR( IxC( i, j): @BIN( z( i, j))); ! VAL_REC(j) = utility of CRITERIA j; @FOR( CRITERIA( j): VAL_REC( j) = @SUM( ITEM( i): value( i, j)* z( i, j)); ); ENDSUBMODEL
CALC: !Algorithm: For k = 1, 2, ... @SIZE( CRITERIA): {Minimize sumjsmall( k) = the sum of k smallest values received, Constrain sum of k smallest to >= sumjsmall(k), } Result: The smallest is maximized, Given the smallest 1 maximized, the 2nd smallestest is maximized, Given the smallest 2 maximized, etc. ; @SET("TERSEO",2); !Turn off default output; ! Successively maximize the sum of the k smallest, for k = 1, 2, N; N = @SIZE( CRITERIA); !Initialize; @FOR( CRITERIA( i): sumjsmall( i) = - BigM; ); PREV = 0; @FOR( CRITERIA( kk): k= kk; ! @gen( ULexMxMn); @SOLVE( ULexMxMn); @WRITE(' Max sum of smallest ', kk,' = ', @FORMAT( sofs( kk),'2.0f'),@NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE( ' ',kk,'th smallest is ',@FORMAT( sofs( kk)-PREV,'2.0f'), @NEWLINE(1)); PREV = sofs( kk); sumjsmall( kk) = sofs( kk); ); ! Display the solution; @WRITE(@NEWLINE(1),' Allocation: ', @NEWLINE(1),' '); @FOR( CRITERIA(j): @WRITE(' ',CRITERIA(j))); @WRITE( @NEWLINE(1)); @FOR( ITEM(t): @WRITE(' ',ITEM(t)); @FOR(CRITERIA(j): @WRITE( ' ',@FORMAT( z( t, j),'1.0f'),' '); ); @WRITE( @NEWLINE(1)); ); @WRITE(' Total'); @FOR( CRITERIA( j): @WRITE(' ',@FORMAT(VAL_REC(j),'3.0f')); ); @WRITE(@NEWLINE(1)); ENDCALC