! Machine repair model;
  NREP/1..5/: ! Consider 5 possible repair persons;
       NDOWN, ! Expected no. of down machines;
       CPERHR,! Expected cost/hour of down machines;
       TCOST; ! Total expected cost/hour;
! The input data; NMACH = 10;! No. machines subject to breakdown; RTIME = 1; ! Average repair time; UPTIME = 5;! Mean time between failures; CR = 30; ! Hourly cost of a repair person; CM = 350; ! Hourly cost of a down machine; ! The machine repairman queuing model; ! For each case of 1 - 5 service people calculate expected number of machines down, cost per hour of down machines, and total cost per hour of operations. @PFS calculates the Probability in a Finite Source, in this case expected number of machines under repair. ; @FOR( NREP( I): NDOWN( I) = CPERHR( I) = CM * NDOWN( I); TCOST( I) = CPERHR( I) + CR * I ); END