! A strategy for airlines to minimize the loss from
  no-shows is to overbook flights.  Too little
  overbooking results in lost revenue.  Too much
  overbooking results in excessive penalties.  This 
  model computes expected profits for various levels
  of overbooking.;  

    SEAT/1..16/;           ! seats available ;
    EXTRA/1..6/: EPROFIT;  ! expected profits from
                             overbooking 1-6 seats;
! Available data; V = 225; ! Revenue from a sold seat; P = 100; ! Penalty for a turned down customer; Q = .04; ! Probability customer is a no-show; ! No. of seats available; N = @SIZE( SEAT); ! Expected profit with no overbooking; EPROFIT0 = V * @SUM( SEAT(I): (1 - @PBN(1- Q, N, I - 1))); ! Expected profit if we overbook by 1 is: EPROFIT0 + Prob(he shows) * ( V - (V + P) * Prob(we have no room)); EPROFIT( 1) = EPROFIT0 + ( 1 - Q) * ( V - ( V + P) * @PBN( Q, N, 0)); ! In general; @FOR( EXTRA( I)| I #GT# 1: EPROFIT( I) = EPROFIT( I - 1) + (1 - Q) * ( V - ( V + P) * @PBN( Q, N + I - 1, I - 1)); ); END