! Binomial option pricing model(optionb):
 We assume that a stock can either go up in value
from one period to the next with probability PUP, 
or down with probability (1 - PUP).  Under this assumption,
the log of a stock's return will be binomially distributed.
In addition, the symmetric probabilities allow
us to build a dynamic programming recursion to
determine the option's value;
! Keywords: Black/Scholes, option pricing,
  binomial option pricing, derivative/financial;

! No. of periods, e.g., weeks;
   PERIOD /1..20/:;
DATA: ! Current price of the stock; PNOW = 40.75; ! Exercise price at option expiration; STRIKE = 40; ! Yearly interest rate; IRATE = .163; ! Weekly variance in log of price; WVAR = .005216191 ; ! The actual price of this option as quoted in the Wall Street Journal was 6.625. The continuous time Black/Scholes formula gives a price of 6.576; ENDDATA !-------------------------------------------------------; SETS: ! Generate our state matrix for the DP. STATE( S, T) may be entered from STATE( S, T - 1) if stock lost value, or it may be entered from STATE( S - 1, T - 1) if stock gained; STATE( PERIOD, PERIOD)| &1 #LE# &2: PRICE, ! There is a stock price, and...; VAL; ! a value of the option; ENDSETS
! Compute number of periods; LASTP = @SIZE( PERIOD); ! Get the weekly interest rate; ( 1 + WRATE) ^ 52 = ( 1 + IRATE); ! The weekly discount factor; DISF = 1/( 1 + WRATE); ! Use the fact that if LOG( P) is normal with mean LOGM and variance WVAR, then P has mean EXP( LOGM + WVAR/2), solving for LOGM...; LOGM = @LOG( 1 + WRATE) - WVAR/ 2; ! Get the log of the up factor; LUPF = ( LOGM * LOGM + WVAR) ^ .5; ! The actual up move factor; UPF = @EXP( LUPF); ! and the down move factor; DNF = 1/ UPF; ! Probability of an up move; PUP = .5 * ( 1 + LOGM/ LUPF); ! Initialize the price table; PRICE( 1, 1) = PNOW; ! First the states where it goes down every period; @FOR( PERIOD( T) | T #GT# 1: PRICE( 1, T) = PRICE( 1, T - 1) * DNF); ! Now compute for all other states S, period T; @FOR( STATE( S, T)| T #GT# 1 #AND# S #GT# 1: PRICE( S, T) = PRICE( S - 1, T - 1) * UPF); ! Set values in the final period; @FOR( PERIOD( S): VAL( S, LASTP) = @SMAX( PRICE( S, LASTP) - STRIKE, 0)); ! Do the dynamic programing; @FOR( STATE( S, T) | T #LT# LASTP: VAL( S, T) = DISF * ( PUP * VAL( S + 1, T + 1) + ( 1 - PUP) * VAL( S, T + 1))); ! Finally, the value of the option now; VALUE = VAL( 1, 1); END