!  Oil refinery model based on:
  Aronofsky, J., J. Dutton, and M. Tayyabkhan(1978),
  Managerial Planning with Linear Programming: in
  Process Industry Applications, John Wiley & Sons;
 !   There are two main entities: materials and processes.
   Each process takes one or more materials and converts
   them to one or more other materials in fixed proportions.
     In a final step, materials are blended into finished
   products in proportions to be determined so as to satisfy
   certain quality requirements.
     Each process may use resources of limited time availability.

 ! Keywords: Process industry, refinery, petroleum refining, blending;
  matl: buy, octanem, vaporpm, densitym, sulfurm;
  canbuy(matl): pricep, ur;
  fprod: pricef, octanefl, vaporpfu, densityfu, sulfurfu, x;
  process: costp, z;
  resource: cap;
  rxp(resource, process): uses;
 ! cxm(crude,matl): ur, octanem, vaporpm, densitym, sulfurm, ;
  mxp(matl,process): rate;
  mxf(matl,fprod): w;
! Variables: buy(m) = barrels(bbl) purchased of material type m, z(p) = units of process p run, w(m, cf) = bbl of material m blended into finished product cf, x(cf) = bbl blended and sold of finished product cf, Parameters: rate(m,p) = bbl of material m produced per unit of process p. Negative means input or used; DATA: ! These data model a refinery that can process two crude oil types: Mid-continent and West-Texas. Crude is first processed through an atmospheric distiller, where the crude is split into(light to heavy): fuel gas, naptha, gasoline, light distillate, heavy distillate(gas-oil), and residual bottoms. Naptha can be further processed through a reformer to produce: fuel gas and reformed gasoline. Distillate can be processed through the cracker to produce: fuel gas and cracked gasoline. Gas-oil can be processed through the cracker to produce: fuel gas and cracked gasoline. Residual can be processed through the hydro treater to produce hydro treated residual that has lower sulfur content. In the final step, the various materials can be blended into premium gasoline, regular gasoline, distillate, and fuel oil so as to satisfy quality requirements on octane, vapor pressure, density, and sulfur content. Fuel gas is sold directly without blending. Butane may be bought to blend into gasoline to increase octane; ! Here are all the material types, excluding finished products; matl = mccrude mcsrgas mcsrnap mcsrdist mcsrgasoil mcsresid mcgasrf mcfuelgas mccgas mccgasoil wtcrude wtsrgas wtsrnap wtsrdist wtsrgasoil wtsresid wtgasrf wtfuelgas wtcgas wtcgasoil, wthyres butane; !The quality features of the above materials; octanem = 0 78.5 65 0 0 0 104 0 93.7 0 0 78.5 65 0 0 0 104 0 93.7 0 0 91.8; vaporpm = 0 18.4 6.54 0 0 0 2.57 0 6.9 0 0 18.4 6.54 0 0 0 2.57 0 6.9 0 0 199.2; densitym= 0 0 272 292 295 343 0 0 0 294.4 0 0 272 297.6 303.3 365 0 0 0 299.1 365 0; sulfurm = 0 0 .283 .526 .980 4.7 0 0 0 .353 0 0 1.48 2.83 5.05 11 0 0 0 1.31 6 0; ! (Subset of) Materials we can buy from outside: Mid-continent and West-texas crude + butane; canbuy = mccrude wtcrude butane; ! Availabilities of materials we can buy; ur = 200 200 9999; pricep= 7.50 6.50 6.75; ! The finished products to be blended, prices, and quality requirements; fprod = gasprm gasreg distlt fueloil fuelgas; pricef = 10.50 9.10 7.70 6.65 1.50; octanefl = 90 86 0 0 0; vaporpfu = 12.7 12.7 999 999 999; densityfu= 999 999 306 352 999; sulfurfu= 999 999 0.5 3.5 999; ! The processes that convert materials; process = mcadist mcnreform mccrackd mccrackg wtadist wtnreform wtcrackd wtcrackg wthydro; costp = .10 .15 .08 .08 .10 .15 .08 .08 .10; ! Here we describe the various processing of materials, what the process uses(-) and what it produces(+); mxp, rate= ! Mid continent crude thru the distiller; mccrude mcadist, -1.0 mcsrgas mcadist, .236 mcsrnap mcadist, .223 mcsrdist mcadist, .087 mcsrgasoil mcadist, .111 mcsresid mcadist, .315 mcfuelgas mcadist, .029 ! West Texas crude thru the distiller; wtcrude wtadist, -1.0 wtsrgas wtadist, .180 wtsrnap wtadist, .196 wtsrdist wtadist, .073 wtsrgasoil wtadist, .091 wtsresid wtadist, .443 wtfuelgas wtadist, .017 ! Mid continent based material thru naptha reformer; mcsrnap mcnreform, -1.0 mcgasrf mcnreform, .807 mcfuelgas mcnreform, .129 ! West Texas based material thru naptha reformer; wtsrnap wtnreform, -1.0 wtgasrf wtnreform, .836 wtfuelgas wtnreform, .099 ! Mid continent based distillate thru catalytic cracker; mcsrdist mccrackd, -1.0 mcfuelgas mccrackd, .300 mccgas mccrackd, .590 mccgasoil mccrackd, .210 ! West Texas based distillate thru catalytic cracker; wtsrdist wtcrackd, -1.0 wtfuelgas wtcrackd, .360 wtcgas wtcrackd, .580 wtcgasoil wtcrackd, .150 ! Mid continent based gas-oil thru catalytic cracker; mcsrgasoil mccrackg, -1.0 mcfuelgas mccrackg, .310 mccgas mccrackg, .590 mccgasoil mccrackg, .220 ! West Texas based gas-oil thru catalytic cracker; wtsrgasoil wtcrackg, -1.0 wtfuelgas wtcrackg, .380 wtcgas wtcrackg, .600 wtcgasoil wtcrackg, .150 ! West Texas based material thru hydro treater; wtsresid wthydro, -1.0 wthyres wthydro, .970; resource = atmstill reformer cracker; cap = 100 20 30; ! Which process uses which resource; rxp, uses = atmstill, mcadist 1 reformer, mcnreform 1 cracker, mccrackd 1 cracker, mccrackg 1 atmstill, wtadist 1 reformer, wtnreform 1 cracker, wtcrackd 1 cracker, wtcrackg 1; ! Which materials can be used in which finished products; mxf = butane, gasprm mcsrgas,gasprm mccgas, gasprm mcsrnap,gasprm mcgasrf,gasprm wtsrgas,gasprm wtcgas, gasprm wtsrnap,gasprm wtgasrf,gasprm butane, gasreg mcsrgas,gasreg mccgas, gasreg mcsrnap,gasreg mcgasrf,gasreg wtsrgas,gasreg wtcgas, gasreg wtsrnap,gasreg wtgasrf,gasreg mcsrdist, distlt mcsrnap, distlt mcsrgasoil,distlt mccgasoil, distlt wtsrdist, distlt wtsrnap, distlt wtsrgasoil,distlt wtcgasoil, distlt mcsrgasoil,fueloil mcsresid, fueloil mccgasoil, fueloil wtsrgasoil,fueloil wtsresid, fueloil wtcgasoil, fueloil wthyres, fueloil mcfuelgas, fuelgas wtfuelgas, fuelgas; ENDDATA ! Maximize profit; MAX = revenue - pcost - ocost; ! Compute cost of raw materials purchased; pcost = @SUM(canbuy(m): pricep(m)*buy(m)); ! Operating cost of the processes; ocost = @SUM(process(p): costp(p)*z(p)); ! Revenues; revenue = @SUM(fprod(f): pricef(f)*x(f)); ! Cannot buy more of each material than is available; @FOR(canbuy(m): [buylim] buy(m) <= ur(m) ); @FOR(matl(m) | #NOT# @IN(canbuy, m): [buylm0] buy(m) = 0 ); ! For each material type m sources >= uses, i.e. amount bought + net from processes >= amount to finished products; @FOR( matl(m): [mtlbal] buy(m) + @SUM(mxp(m,p): rate(m,p)*z(p)) >= @SUM(mxf(m,cf): w(m,cf)); ); ! For each resource, cannot use it more than it has time available; @FOR(resource(r): [rcap] @SUM(rxp(r,p): uses(r,p)*z(p)) <= cap(r); ); ! Blending step; ! For each finished good, sources = uses; @FOR(fprod(cf): [fpbal] @SUM(mxf(m,cf): w(m, cf)) = x(cf) ); ! For each finished good, must meet quality requirements; @FOR(fprod(cf): [octlim] @SUM(mxf(m,cf): octanem(m) *w(m, cf)) >= octanefl(cf) *x(cf); [vaplim] @SUM(mxf(m,cf): vaporpm(m) *w(m, cf)) <= vaporpfu(cf) *x(cf); [denlim] @SUM(mxf(m,cf): densitym(m)*w(m, cf)) <= densityfu(cf)*x(cf); [slflim] @SUM(mxf(m,cf): sulfurm(m) *w(m, cf)) <= sulfurfu(cf) *x(cf); );