! Computing the rank of a matrix.  (RankFind.lng);
! Keywords: Matrix rank, Rank of Matrix;
 dimr: listr;  ! The row dimension;
 dimc: listc;  ! The col dimension;
 rxc( dimr, dimc): A, WORK;
DATA: tolpiv = 1e-14; ! Pivot tolerance; ! Case 1; !Case01 dimr = 1..4; !Case01 dimc = 1..4; !Case01 A= 5 7 3 -1 1 -2 0 4 1 2 4 5 2 -4 0 8; ! Case 2; !Case02 dimr = 1..4; !Case02 dimc = 1..4; !Case02 A= 4 8 4 -2 4 -8 0 16 -2 -4 -2 1 2 -4 0 8; ! Case 3; !Case03 dimr = 1..2; !Case03 dimc = 1..4; !Case03 A= 4 8 4 -2 4 -8 0 16; ! Case 4; !Case04; dimr = 1..4!Case04; dimc = 1..3!Case04; A= 1 3 4 2 2 4 3 4 7 4 5 9; ENDDATA procedure comprank: ! Compute the rank of a dense matrix. ! Inputs: A = a matrix, tolpiv = a pivot tolerance, e.g., 10^(-13), Output: rank = rank of the matrix; nremr = @size( dimr); ! row dimension; nremc = @size( dimc); ! col dimension; ! Copy A into the WORK matrix; @FOR( rxc( i, j): WORK( i, j) = A( i, j)); ! Load all the rows and cols onto the unpivoted lists; @FOR( dimr( i): listr( i) = i;); @FOR( dimc( j): listc( j) = j;); rank = 0; ! Count number of successful pivots; ! Keep pivoting while we have acceptable pivot; more = 1; @FOR( dimr( k) | more: ! Find the largest unpivoted element; pivMAX = 0; @FOR( dimr( kr) | kr #le# nremr: icand = listr( kr); @FOR( dimc( kc) | kc #le# nremc: jcand = listc( kc); @IFC( @ABS( work( icand, jcand)) #gt# pivmax: pivmax = @abs( work( icand, jcand)); !Found new big; ipos = kr; ! Remember list posn of row; jpos = kc; ! Remember list posn of col; ); ); ); ! Did we find another acceptable pivot element? ; @IFC( pivmax #ge# tolpiv: ! Yes, get ready to do the pivot; rank = rank + 1; ipiv = listr( ipos); ! Get pivot row; jpiv = listc( jpos); ! Get pivot col; ! Remove pivot row and column from unpivoted lists; listr( ipos) = listr( nremr); nremr = nremr - 1; listc( jpos) = listc( nremc); nremc = nremc - 1; ! Now actually do the pivot, updating the unpivoted rows and cols; divisor = WORK( ipiv, jpiv); @FOR( dimr( kr) | kr #le# nremr: ii = listr( kr); mult = WORK( ii, jpiv)/ divisor; @FOR( dimc( kc) | kc #le# nremc: jj = listc( kc); WORK( ii, jj) = WORK( ii, jj) - mult*WORK( ipiv, jj); ); ); @else more = 0; ! Could not find a pivot. Get out; ) ); endprocedure CALC: @SET( 'TERSEO',2); ! Output level (0:verb, 1:terse, 2:only errors, 3:none); @SET( 'OROUTE',1); ! 1: Route output immediately to the window line by line; ! Compute rank of matrix A; comprank; ENDCALC DATA: @TEXT() = 'Given matrix:'; @TEXT() = @table( A); @TEXT() = ' The rank= ', rank; ENDDATA