! LP formulation of a Markov Decision Problem;
!  Road repair example, average cost criterion;
! Key words: Maintenance, Markov decision process, MDP, Repair, Road repair, Steady state ;
DATA: ! Give names to the states and decisions; STATE = S0 S1 S2 S3; DECISION = D1 D2 D3; ! Definitions of states & decisions: S0 : road surface is excellent, S1 : uneven surface, cracks forming, S2 : some potholes, S3 : a real tire buster, D1 : do nothing, D2 : add thin top layer, fill potholes, D2 : major resurfacing; ! Only a few decisions are typically valid in each state, so we use sparse form and list only the valid combinations of state, decision, cost; SXD, C = S0 D1 0 S1 D1 1000 S1 D3 6000 S2 D1 3000 S2 D2 4000 S2 D3 6000 S3 D3 6000; ! Only a few transitions are typically possible from each state, so list only the ones with positive probability. Note: P(i, j, k) = Prob{next state=j|current state=i and our decision=k}; SXSXD, P= S0 S1 D1 .875 S0 S2 D1 .0625 S0 S3 D1 .0625 S1 S1 D1 .75 S1 S2 D1 .125 S1 S3 D1 .125 S1 S0 D3 1 S2 S0 D3 1 S2 S2 D1 .5 S2 S3 D1 .5 S2 S1 D2 1 S3 S0 D3 1; ENDDATA SUBMODEL MDPMOD: ! Definition of variables: Y(I,K) = probability of being in state I and making decision K. Typically, for each I there will be only one K such that Y(I,K) > 0. That is, Y(I,K) > 0 means if the state is I, then you should take decision K; ! Minimize average cost per period; MIN = AVGCOST; AVGCOST = @SUM( SXD( J, K): C( J, K) * Y( J, K)); ! Probabilities must sum to 1; @SUM( SXD( J, K): Y( J, K)) = 1; ! Prob{ being in state J}= sum of probabilities of getting there from other states ( I, K); @FOR( STATE( J): SSPROB( J) = @SUM( SXD( J, K): Y( J, K)); SSPROB( J) = @SUM( SXSXD( I, J, K): Y( I, K) * P( I, J, K)); ); ENDSUBMODEL
CALC: @SOLVE( MDPMOD); ! Solve it; ! Display a little report; @WRITE(' State SS_PROB', @NEWLINE( 1)); @FOR( STATE( J): @WRITE(' ', STATE( J), ' ', @FORMAT( SSPROB( J), '6.5f'), @NEWLINE( 1)); ); @WRITE(' Average cost/period= ', AVGCOST, @NEWLINE(1)); ENDCALC