!  Traveling Salesman Problem. Simple version.(TSPCUTx)
   Find the shortest tour that visits each city exactly once. 
   Subtour elimination method. We add a row/cut/constraint
   to cut off a subtour until a full tour is found;
 ! Keywords: TSP, Traveling Salesman, Cut Generation, Tour, Subtour Elimination;
       DIST,  ! The distance matrix;
          Y;  ! Y( I, J) = 1 if link I, J is in tour;
DATA: SUBTOUR = 1..30; ! Max subtour cuts allowed; CITY = NYK ATL CHI CIN HOU LAX MON PHL PIT STL SND SNF; ! Distance matrix, it need not be symmetric; DIST = 0 864 845 664 1706 2844 396 92 386 1002 2892 3032 !NYK; 864 0 702 454 842 2396 1196 772 714 554 2363 2679 !ATL; 845 702 0 324 1093 2136 764 764 459 294 2184 2187 !CHI; 664 454 324 0 1137 2180 798 572 284 338 2228 2463 !CIN; 1706 842 1093 1137 0 1616 1857 1614 1421 799 1521 2021 !HOU; 2844 2396 2136 2180 1616 0 2900 2752 2464 1842 95 405 !LAX; 396 1196 764 798 1857 2900 0 424 514 1058 2948 2951 !MON; 92 772 764 572 1614 2752 424 0 305 910 2800 2951 !PHL; 386 714 459 284 1421 2464 514 305 0 622 2512 2646 !PIT; 1002 554 294 338 799 1842 1058 910 622 0 1890 2125 !STL; 2892 2363 2184 2228 1521 95 2948 2800 2512 1890 0 500 !SND; 3032 2679 2187 2463 2021 405 2951 2951 2646 2125 500 0;!SNF; ENDDATA !-----------------------------------------------------------; SUBMODEL TSP_CUT: ! Minimize total distance traveled; MIN = TOURLEN; TOURLEN = @SUM( LINK: DIST * Y); ! The Assignment constraints; @FOR( CITY( K): ! It must be entered; @SUM( CITY( I)| I #NE# K: Y( I, K)) = 1; ! It must be departed; @SUM( CITY( J)| J #NE# K: Y( K, J)) = 1; ! Cannot visit self; Y( K, K) = 0 ); ! Subtour cuts added so far; @FOR( SUBTOUR(t) | t #LE# ICUT: @SUM( CITY(I) | FLAG(t,i) #EQ# 1: @SUM( CITY(J) | FLAG(t,j) #EQ# 1: Y(i,j))) <= TOURSIZE(t) - 1; ); ! The Y(i,j) must be 0 or 1; @FOR( LINK(i,j): @BIN( Y(i,j))); ENDSUBMODEL
CALC: @SET("TERSEO",2); ! Turn off default output; N = @SIZE( CITY); MXCUTS = @SIZE(SUBTOUR); ! Max cuts we have space for; ICUT = 0; MORECUTS = 1; ! =0 if no more cuts; @WHILE( MORECUTS : ! Loop over subtour cuts, ICUT; ! Solve current version; @SOLVE( TSP_CUT); ICUT = ICUT + 1; @WRITE( @NEWLINE(1),'#',ICUT,' Obj value = ', TOURLEN, @NEWLINE(1)); ! Turn this on to see intermediate solutions; !@FOR( LINK(i,j) | Y(i,j) #GT# .01: @WRITE(' ',i,' ',j,' ',Y(i,j),@NEWLINE(1)) ); ! Find subtour if any; StartCity = 1; ! Start at city 1; KURSTOP = StartCity; @FOR( CITY(k): FLAG(ICUT,k) = 0); ! Start with no cities in cut; @WRITE(' Begin tour at ', CITY(KURSTOP), @NEWLINE(1)); TOURSIZE(ICUT) = 1; ! Loop over cities KURSTOP to find subtour including 1; FLAG(ICUT, KURSTOP) = 1; ! City KURSTOP is in the cut; NotHome = 1; @WHILE( NotHome: @FOR(CITY(j) | Y(KURSTOP, j) #GT# 0.5: ! Find next stop; @WRITE(' Next stop on tour= ', CITY(j),@NEWLINE(1)); @IFC( j #EQ# startCity: NotHome = 0; ! Back home to startCity; @ELSE TOURSIZE(ICUT) = TOURSIZE(ICUT) + 1; KURSTOP = j; FLAG(ICUT,KURSTOP) = 1; ! KURSTOP is in the cut; ); ! end of IFC; ); ! end of for loop; ); ! end of while loop; @IFC( TOURSIZE(ICUT) #EQ# N: @WRITE(' Above is complete tour, so min length tour found.'); MORECUTS = 0; @ELSE @WRITE(' Add constraint to cut off above subtour.',@NEWLINE(1)); ); @IFC( ICUT #EQ# @SIZE(SUBTOUR): @WRITE(' Exhausted memory.'); MORECUTS = 0; ); ); ! End loop over add cuts; ! (There are various refinements/complications of this basic idea to make order of magnitude performance improvements); ENDCALC