! A PERT/CPM model with crashing;
  ! The precedence diagram is:
  !       /FCAST\---SCHED----COSTOUT\
  !      /       \                   \
  ! FIRST         \                   \
  !      \         \                   \
  !       \SURVEY-PRICE-----------FINAL;
 ! All tasks must be a direct or indirect predecessor
   of the last task on the input list;

 ! Keywords: Crashing, PERT, CPM, Project management;
              TIME,  ! Normal time for task;
              TMIN,  ! Min time at max crash;
              CCOST, ! Crash cost/unit time;
                 EF, ! Earliest finish;
              CRASH; ! Amount of crashing;

 ! The precedence relations;
DATA: DUEDATE = 31; ! Project due date; ! The tasks and their...; TASK = FIRST, FCAST, SURVEY, PRICE, SCHED, COSTOUT, FINAL; TIME = 0 14 3 3 7 4 10; ! Normal times; TMIN = 0 8 2 1 6 3 8; ! Crash times; CCOST = 0 4 1 2 4 5 3; ! Cost/unit to crash; PRED = FIRST,FCAST ! The precedence pairs; FIRST,SURVEY, FCAST,PRICE FCAST,SCHED SURVEY,PRICE, SCHED,COSTOUT PRICE,FINAL COSTOUT,FINAL; ENDDATA SUBMODEL CRASHCPM: ! The crashing LP model; ! Define earliest finish, each predecessor of a task constrains when the earliest time the task can be completed. The earliest the preceding task can be finished plus the time required for the task minus any time that could be reduced by crashing this task.; @FOR( PRED( I, J): EF( J) >= EF( I) + TIME( J) - CRASH( J) ); ! For each task, the most it can be crashed is the regular time of that task minus minimum time for that task; @FOR( TASK( J): CRASH( J) <= TIME( J) - TMIN( J) ); ! Meet the due date; ! This assumes that there is a single last task; EF( @SIZE( TASK)) <= DUEDATE; ! Minimize the sum of crash costs; MIN = CRASHCOST; CRASHCOST = @SUM( TASK(j): CCOST(j) * CRASH(j)); ENDSUBMODEL
CALC: @SET('TERSEO',2); ! Turn off default output; @SOLVE( CRASHCPM); ! Print a simple report; @WRITE(@NEWLINE(1),' Project length= ', EF(@SIZE(TASK)), @NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' Crashing cost = ', CRASHCOST, @NEWLINE(1)); @WRITE(' Task Start_At End_At Crash_Amt Crash_Cost', @NEWLINE(1)); @FOR(TASK(j): @WRITE( ' ', @FORMAT(TASK(j),"8s"), ' ', @FORMAT(EF(j)-TIME(j)+CRASH(j),"7.1f"), ' ', @FORMAT(EF(j),"7.1f"), ' ', @FORMAT(CRASH(j),"7.1f"), ' ', @FORMAT(CCOST(j)*CRASH(j),"9.2f"), @NEWLINE(1)); ); ENDCALC