! N Queens problem.
   On an N by N chessboard place N Queens
 so that there is at most one queen in
 each row, each column, and each diagonal.
   This version solves it using the optimizer.
 There are direct methods of solution that
 take time proportional to N;
! Keywords: Chess, Queens problem, N Queens problem, Puzzles;
DATA: SIDE = 1..8; ENDDATA ! Variables: Y(i,j) = 1 if there is a queen in row i, column j of the board; N = @SIZE(SIDE); ! Exactly one in each row; @FOR( SIDE(i): @SUM( SIDE(j): Y(i,j)) = 1; ); ! Exactly one in each column; @FOR( SIDE(j): @SUM( SIDE(i): Y(i,j)) = 1; ); @FOR( SIDE(k): ! At most one in each lower left to upper right diagonal; ! Below main diagonal; @SUM( SXS( i,j)| i-j #EQ# k-1: Y(i,j)) <= 1; ! Above main diagonal; @SUM( SXS( i,j)| j-i #EQ# k-1: Y(i,j)) <= 1; ! At most one in each upper left to lower right diagonal; ! Below main diagonal; @SUM( SXS( i,j)| i+j #EQ# k+1: Y(i,j)) <= 1; ! Above main diagonal; @SUM( SXS( i,j)| i+j #EQ# k+N: Y(i,j)) <= 1; ); ! The Y's can be only 0 or 1; @FOR( SXS: @BIN(Y)); !Display the chessboard(for N <= 20); DATA: @TEXT() = @WRITE( ' The chessboard:', @NEWLINE( 1), ' '); !The @IF's insert an extra space for single digit numbers; @TEXT() = @WRITEFOR( SIDE(i):' ', @if(i #LT# 10,' ',''),SIDE(i)); @TEXT() = @WRITE( @NEWLINE( 1)); @TEXT() = @WRITEFOR( SIDE( I): @IF(I#LT#10,' ',' '), SIDE( I), @WRITEFOR( SIDE( J): ' ', @IF( Y( I, J) #GT# .5, 'Q', '.')), @NEWLINE( 1) ); @TEXT() = @WRITE( @NEWLINE( 1)); ENDDATA