! Network equilibrium. ( NetEqlx):
Find equilibrium flows over arcs in a network, given
demands at each node,
bounds on pressures at each node,
resistance characteristics of pipes connecting the nodes,
Direction of flow over each pipe not known beforehand;
! Keywords: Distribution, Electricity Distribution, Equilibrium,
Gas Distribution, Network Flow, SignPower function;
! Reference:
Hansen, C., K. Madsen, and H. Nielsen(1991), "Optimization of Pipe Networks"
Math. Prog. vol. 52, no.1, pp. 45-58;
! Best performance is with the settings:
LINGO | Options... | Global Solver | on
LINGO | Options... | Global Solver | Multistart Attempts | off;
NODE: DL, DU, PL, PU, P, DELIVER; ! P = Pressure at this node;
ARC( NODE, NODE): R, FLO, ! FLO = Flow on this arc;
FLOF, FLOB; ! Forward or backward;
NODE = A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H;
! Lower & upper limits on demand at each node;
DL = 1 2 4 6 8 7 -9999 -9999;
DU = 1 2 4 6 8 7 9999 9999;
! Lower & upper limits on pressure at each node;
PL = 0 0 0 0 0 0 240 240;
PU = 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 9999 240 240;
! The arcs available and their resistance parameter;
ARC = B A, C A, C B, D C, E D, F D, G D, F E, H E, G F, H F;
R = 1, 25, 1, 3, 18, 45, 1, 12, 1, 30, 1;
PPAM = 1; ! Compressibility parameter;
!For incompressible fluids and electricity: PPAM = 1, for gases: PPAM = 2;
FPAM = 1.852; !Resistance due to flow parameter;
! electrical networks: FPAM = 1;
! other fluids: 1.8 <= FPAM <= 2;
! For simple optimization networks: FPAM=0, for arcs with flow>=0;
@FOR( NODE( K): ! For each node K;
! Bound the pressure;
@BND( PL(K), P(K), PU(K));
! Flow in = amount delivered + flow out;
@SUM( ARC( I, K): FLO( I, K)) = DELIVER( K) +
@SUM( ARC( K, J): FLO( K, J));
! Bound on amount delivered at each node;
@FOR( ARC( I, J):
! Flow can go either way;
! Relate pressures at 2 ends to flow over arc;
P(I)^ PPAM - P(J)^ PPAM =
! Alternative 1;
! R(I,J) * @SIGN(FLO(I,J))* @ABS( FLO(I,J))^ FPAM;
! Alternative 2, gets rid of @SIGN( );
! R(I,J) * FLO(I,J)* @ABS( FLO(I,J))^(FPAM-1);
! Alternative 3, get rid of @ABS( ) and @SIGN( ) but add complementarity constraint;
! R(I,J) * ( FLOF(I,J)^FPAM - FLOB(I,J)^FPAM);
! FLO(I,J) = FLOF(I,J) - FLOB(I,J);
! FLOF(I,J)*FLOB(I,J) = 0;
! Alternative 4, use SIGNPOWER function;