! Model of a queue with arrivals in batches.  In 
  this particular example, arrivals may show up in
  batches of 1, 2, 3, or 4 units;

! Look at enough states so that P( i) for large i
  is effectively zero, where P( i) is the steady 
  state probability of i customers in the system;
   STATE/ 1..41/: P;

! Potential batch sizes are 1, 2, 3 or 4 customers,
  and A( i) = the probability that an arriving batch
  contains i customers;
   BSIZE/ 1..4/: A;
DATA: ! Batch size distribution; A = .1, .2, .3, .4; ! Number of batches arriving per day; LMDA = 1.5; ! Number of servers; S = 7; ! Number of customers a server can process per day; MU = 2; ENDDATA ! LAST = number of STATES; LAST = @SIZE( STATE); ! Balance equations for states where the number of customers in the system is less than or equal to the number of servers; @FOR( STATE( N)| N #LE# S: P( N) * (( N - 1)* MU + LMDA) = P( N + 1) * MU * N + LMDA * @SUM( BSIZE( I)| I #LT# N: A( I) * P( N - I)) ); ! Balance equations for states where number in system is greater than the number of servers, but less than the limit; @FOR( STATE( N)| N #GT# S #AND# N #LT# LAST: P( N) * ( S * MU + LMDA) = P( N + 1) * MU * S + LMDA * @SUM( BSIZE( I)| I #LT# N: A( I) * P( N - I)) ); ! Probabilities must sum to 1; @SUM( STATE: P) = 1; END