! An example model with data inaccuracies and
 redundant constraints;
! Keywords: Roundoff error;
MAX = Z;
[C1] X - 6*Z = 1;
[C2]   0.33333333*X - 2*Z = 0.33333333;
![C2A] 0.3333333*X - 2*Z = 0.3333333;
![C2B]         X/3 - 2*Z = 1/3;
@BIN( Z);

! Roundoff error, redundacies, etc.
Many optimization models contain minor data inaccuracies and/or
minor redundancies.
These may cause solution reports that contain numbers like -0.60E-07 .
There are several ways for avoiding such solution reports:

1) Easy way: Change the reporting precision by clicking on:
    Solver | Options | Interface | Show as 0 | 0.000001
    Solver | Options | Interface | Precision | 6

 Then instead of getting a solution report like this:
      Variable           Value        Reduced Cost
             Z        1.000000           -1.000000
             X        7.000000            0.000000

           Row    Slack or Surplus      Dual Price
             1        1.000000            1.000000
             2      -0.6000000E-07        0.000000
             3        0.000000            0.000000

you will get one like this:
        Variable          Value       Reduced Cost
               Z        1.00000           -1.00000
               X        7.00000            0.00000

             Row   Slack or Surplus     Dual Price
               1        1.00000            1.00000
               2        0.00000            0.00000
               3        0.00000            0.00000

2) Better way: Improve the precision of the input.
   It seems clear that constraint [C2B] is a more precise
  statement of [C2]. If you replace [C2] by [C2B] you get:

       Variable           Value        Reduced Cost
              Z        1.000000           -1.000000
              X        7.000000            0.000000

            Row    Slack or Surplus      Dual Price
              1        1.000000            1.000000
             C1        0.000000            0.000000
            C2B        0.000000            0.000000

3) Better yet, remove redundancies.  If you multiply [C2B] 
by 3, we see it is identical to [C1], so it can be dropped.
If you have two constraints that are almost redundant, but not
quite because of data inaccuracies, this is a challenge for 
the solver and you may get surprising answers. 
If, for example, you replace [C2] and [C2B] by [C2A], you get:

       Variable           Value        Reduced Cost
              Z        0.000000           -1.000000
              X        1.000000            0.000000

            Row    Slack or Surplus      Dual Price
              1        0.000000            1.000000
             C1        0.000000            0.000000
            C2A        0.000000            0.000000

i.e., the solution with Z = 1 is no longer considered feasible to tolerances.

4) Another way, loosen or tighten tolerances of the solver,
e.g., click on either/both:
    Solver | Options | Integer solver | Integrality ...   
    Solver | Options | Linear solver | Final feasibility ...     
   Setting tolerances tighter may: a) increase solve time,
        b) cause solver to reject a solution you 
           consider acceptable. 
   Setting tolerances looser may: a) reduce solve time,
        b) cause solver to give a solution you do not
           consider feasible.;