!  Find either user equilibrium, or system/social optimum for traffic
  flow problem in a congested network. The time to transit
  a link in the network is an increasing function of the
  traffic on the link. At a user equilibrium, each user
  chooses the shortest path from his origin to his destination.
  The total travel time under the user equilibrium is 
  typically greater than the system optimum. Under a system
  optimum, total delay time is minimized;
!  Because of complementarity constraints, we should
  turn on the Global Solver option by clicking on:
   LINGO | Options | Global Solver | Use Global Solver
! Keywords: Braess Paradox, Complementarity constraint, Congestion,
    Consumer Choice, Equilibrium, Network, System optimum, 
    Traffic Equilibrium, User Equilibrium;

  Node;  ! Nodes of the network;
  Link( Node, Node): Bcost, Cap, TotFlo, ! Links of network;
  Trip( Node, Node): Dem;   ! Trips to be routed in network;
  Dest( Node) | @sum( Node(n): @IN( Trip, n, &1)); !Destination nodes;
  Link4Dest( Link, Dest): X, Slk; ! (from, to, by destination) flow;
  NXD( Node, Dest): R;  ! Intermediate nodes to terminal nodes;
  SYS /1..1/; ! Utility set, size 1, convenieht for conditional constraints;
! Parameters: Dem(j,t) = flow that starts at j and wants to go to t, Bcost(i,j) = travel cost(or delay, or travel time) from i to j when there is no congestion, Cap(i,j) = flow level from i to j at which congestion or delay doubles, (and gets larger really fast). UserOpt = 1 if we want User optimum/equilibrium, i.e., each user chooses shortest path available, or = 0 if we want System/social optimum, i.e., we direct traffic so total delay is minimized. Power = exponent for the flow which determines how travel time increases with flow. 4 is a typical value used; ! Variables: X(i,j,t) = flow from node i to j destined for t, TotFlow(i,j) = total flow from i to j, ArcTime(i,j) = congestion cost/delay from i to j, R(i,t) = Remaining delay at i to get to destination t by cheapest/fastest route, Slk(i,j,t) = Difference in cost of going from i to j to get to t, vs. going by the cheapest route from i to destination t, = ArcTime(i,j)+R(j,t) - R(i,t), ; DATA: ! Braess data set. The network is C / ^ \ / | \ A | D \ | / \ | / B !CBraess; UserOpt = 1!CBraess; Scale = 1!CBraess; Power = 1!CBraess; Style = 1!CBraess; Node = A B C D ! From_node, To_node, Base/no_traffic cost, Capacity; !CBraess; Link BCost Cap = A B 0 10 A C 50 1 B C 10 1 B D 50 1 C D 0 10 ; ! Trip data: origin, destination, trips; !CBraess; Trip Dem = A D 6 ; ! Data set 2; ! Choose either User optimum (1), or system/social optimum(0); !Ctraflo2 UserOpt = 1; !Ctraflo2 Scale = 1; !Ctraflo2 Node = A B C D E; !Ctraflo2 Power = 4; !Ctraflo2 Style = 0; Bcost(i,j)*(1 + Scale*( TotFlo(i,j)/Cap(i,j))^ Power); ! Trips people want to make and number per minute wishing to make the trips; ! Ctraflo2 Trip Dem = A D 60 E C 5; ! Links of network and congestion parameters; !Ctraflo2 Link BCost Cap = A B 25.3714 45.9034 A C 51.7539 76.1578 B C 11.7538 52.5742 B D 51.7539 76.1578 C D 25.3714 45.9034 E A 11.7539 52.5743 E B 51.7539 76.1577; ! This data set can illustrate the Braess Paradox if we set the demand from E to C = 0. First, solve for the resulting user equilibrium(Useropt=1), Next, make link B to C really unattractive by setting BCost for B to C = 9999999. Finally, solve again and notice that this removal of an arc from the network made everyone's travel time or cost lower; ! Case Sious Falls. This is a subset of the Sioux Falls data set; ! Network structure: 1--------------------2 | | 3------4------5------6 | | | | | | 9------8------7 | | | | | 12-----11-----10-----16-----18 | | | \ | | | | | \ | | | | | 17 / | | | | / | 14-----15-----19 / | | | | / | 23-----22 | / | | | \ | / | | | \ |/ 13-----24-----21-----20 ; !CSioux UserOpt = 0; !CSioux Scale = .03; !CSioux Power = 4; !CSioux Style = 0; Bcost(i,j)*(1 + Scale*( TotFlo(i,j)/Cap(i,j))^ Power); !CSioux Node = 1..10; ! From_node, To_node, Base/no_traffic cost, Capacity; !CSioux Link BCost Cap = 1 2 6.0008 25900.20 2 1 6.0008 25900.20 ! Add node 2 to network; !CSioux 3 1 1.0000 23403.47 !CSioux 1 3 1.0000 23403.47 3 4 4.0000 17110.52 ! Add 4; !CSioux 4 3 4.0000 17110.52 4 5 2.0000 17782.79 ! Add 5; !CSioux 5 4 2.0000 17782.79 2 6 5.0000 4958.18 ! 6; !CSioux 6 2 5.0000 4958.18 5 6 4.0000 4948.00 6 5 4.0000 4948.00 6 8 2.0000 4898.59 ! 8; !CSioux 8 6 2.0000 4898.59 8 7 3.0000 7841.81 ! 7; !CSioux 7 8 3.0000 7841.81 9 8 10.0000 5050.19 ! 9; !CSioux 8 9 10.0000 5050.19 5 9 5.0000 10000.00 9 5 5.0000 10000.00 9 10 3.0000 13915.79 ! 10; !CSioux 10 9 3.0000 13915.79; ! Trip data: origin, destination, trips; !CSioux Trip Dem = 1 2 100 ! Add node 2; !CSioux 2 1 100 1 3 100 ! Add node 3; !CSioux 3 1 100 2 3 100 3 2 100 1 4 500 ! Add node 4; !CSioux 4 1 500 2 4 200 4 2 200 3 4 200 4 3 200 1 5 200 ! Node 5; !CSioux 5 1 200 2 5 100 5 2 100 3 5 100 5 3 100 4 5 500 5 4 500 1 6 300 ! Node 6; !CSioux 6 1 300 2 6 400 6 2 400 3 6 300 6 3 300 4 6 400 6 4 400 5 6 200 6 5 200 1 8 800 ! 8; !CSioux 8 1 800 2 8 400 8 2 400 3 8 200 8 3 200 4 8 700 8 4 700 5 8 500 8 5 500 6 8 800 8 6 800 1 7 500 ! 7; !CSioux 7 1 500 2 7 200 7 2 200 3 7 100 7 3 100 4 7 400 7 4 400 5 7 200 7 5 200 6 7 400 7 6 400 8 7 1000 7 8 1000 1 9 500 ! 9; !CSioux 9 1 500 2 9 200 9 2 200 3 9 100 9 3 100 4 9 700 5 9 800 6 9 400 9 6 400 7 9 600 9 7 600 8 9 800 9 8 800 1 10 1300 !10; !CSioux 10 1 1300 2 10 600 10 2 600 3 10 300 10 3 300 4 10 1200 10 4 1200 5 10 1000 10 5 1000 6 10 800 10 6 800 7 10 1900 10 7 1900 8 10 1600 10 8 1600 9 10 2800 10 9 2800 ; ENDDATA !Compute total flow on each arc; @FOR(Link(i,j): [Def] TotFlo(i,j)=@SUM(Link4Dest(i,j,t): X(i,j,t)) ); !Conservation of flow, for each origin j and destination t: flow into j destined for t + flow originating at j destined for t = flow out of j destined for t; @FOR( trip(j,t): [Origin] @SUM(Link4Dest(i,j,t): X(i,j,t)) + Dem(j,t) = @SUM(Link4Dest(j,k,t): X(j,k,t)) ); !Conservation of flow, for each node j and destination t for which j is not an origin for flow to t and j #NE# t: flow into j destined for t = flow out of j destined for t; @FOR( NXD(j,t) | (#NOT# @IN( Trip,j,t)) #AND# (j #NE# t) : [Inter] @SUM( Link4Dest(i,j,t): X(i,j,t))= @SUM( Link4Dest(j,k,t): X(j,k,t)) ); ! Compute travel time on Link i,j; @FOR( SYS | Style #EQ# 0: @FOR( Link(i,j): [CCon0] ArcTime(i,j) = Bcost(i,j)*(1 + Scale*( TotFlo(i,j)/Cap(i,j))^ Power) ); ); @FOR( SYS | Style #EQ# 1: @FOR( Link(i,j): [CCon1] ArcTime(i,j) = Bcost(i,j) + ( TotFlo(i,j)* Cap( i, j))^ Power ); ); ! Enforce user equilibrium ( if UserOpt = 1); ! For destination node t, the remaining time/cost to get there is 0; @FOR( Dest(t)| UserOpt: R(t,t) = 0); ! For the other nodes i; @FOR( Dest(t)| UserOpt: @FOR( Link(i,j) | i #NE# t: [sdf] Slk(i,j,t) = ArcTime(i,j) + R(j,t) - R(i,t); ! Complementarity constraints. If Slk(i,j,t) > 0,then we cannot use link i,j to get to t; Slk(i,j,t)*X(i,j,t) = 0; ); ); ! Compute system cost; SysCost = @SUM(Link(i,j): TotFlo( i, j)*ArcTime( i, j)); ! To minimize System cost or find Social optimum, turn on the following, and turn off complemenarity constraints; ! Min = (1-UserOpt)*SysCost; Min = SysCost;