! Product cycling Problem.
a set of N products, each with a:
demand rate D, constant over time, and
production rate P, when the product is being produced,
holding cost rate H per unit in inventory,
and for each pair of products, (i, j):
T(i,j) = changeover time from product i to product j,
S(i,j) = changeover cost from product i to product j,
a sequence of the products that is in fact a cycle that repeats,
a cycle length CYCTIME,
so as to
minimize the cost of changeover + inventory, subject
to cycle being long enough to produce every product
exactly once.
! Keywords: TSP, traveling sales person, routing, tour,
lotsizing, cyclic production, Economic Manufacturing Quantity,
PROD: D, P, H,
U; ! U( I) = sequence no. of PROD;
T, ! Changeover time matrix;
S, ! Changeover cost matrix;
X, Y; ! X( I, J) = 1 if link I, J is in tour;
PROD = Vanilla Choco Strawb BPecan Neopol;
D = 2 1.5 1.3 1.4 1.1; !Demand rate;
P = 21 20 22 19 16; !Production rate;
H = 1 1.5 1.8 1.2 1.9; !Holding cost rate;
!Changeover times ...;
T = 0 .2 .2 .4 .5 ! from Van;
.8 0 .4 .3 .2 ! from Choco;
.6 .1 0 .4 .3 ! from Strawb;
.4 .1 .1 0 .2 ! from BPecan;
.2 .4 .2 .3 0; ! From Neopol;
S = 0 4 5 5 6 !Changeover costs;
9 0 7 6 5
7 4 0 5 6
6 4 5 0 7
5 4 9 8 0;
! Variables:
X(I,J) = 1 if product J follows product I in the cycle,
CYCTIME = length of the cycle,
U(J) = sequence number of product J in the cycle,
arbitrarily, U(1) = 0,
Y(I,J) = 1 if the sequence I -> J is on the path from
1 to N (the highest numbered product).
! Note, the demand for product I during a cycle is D(I)*CYCTIME.
Thus, the production time that must be devoted to product I
during the cycle is CYCTIME*( D(I)/P(I)).
We assume the inventory of each product hits 0 just
before its production starts. The maximum inventory
for product I is when production ends for the product.
Thus, the maximum inventory is CYCTIME*( D(I)/P(I))*(P(I) - D(I)).
The average inventory is half the max.
Minimize average cost per unit time of changeover cost
+ inventory cost.;
INVCOST = @SUM( PROD( I): H(I)*D(I)*CYCTIME*(1-D(I)/P(I))/2);
! The production cycle must be long enough so that
the setup times + the production times <= CYCTIME;
@SUM( LINK(I,J): T(I,J)* X(I,J)) + CYCTIME *@SUM( PROD( I): D(I)/P(I))
! Warning: May take long to solve cases with N > 12.
Set N = number of products/flavors;
! The following constraints force each product to appear
exactly once in the sequence;
! It must be entered;
@SUM( PROD( I)| I #NE# K: X( I, K)) = 1;
! It must be departed;
@SUM( PROD( J)| J #NE# K: X( K, J)) = 1;
X( K, K) = 0;
! A weak form of the subtour breaking constraints;
! Not very powerful for large(N>10) problems;
@FOR( PROD( J)| J #GT# 1 #AND# J #NE# K:
U( J) >= U( K) + X ( K, J) -
( N - 2) * ( 1 - X( K, J)) +
( N - 3) * X( J, K); );
! Make the X's 0/1;
@FOR( LINK: @BIN( X););
! Some more cuts. They may make it solve faster.
Can be removed to make model smaller;
! For the first and last stop we know...;
@FOR( PROD( K)| K #GT# 1:
U( K) <= N - 1 - ( N - 2) * X( 1, K);
U( K) >= 1 + ( N - 2) * X( K, 1); );
! We know the sum of the stop numbers;
@SUM( PROD( I): U( I)) = ( N-1)*N/2;
! Add some 'multi-commodity cuts'. One could have a
commodity for every PROD. Here we do it only for PROD N;
! There has to be a path from 1 to N. Y(I,J) = 1
if (I,J) is on the path from 1 to N.
It helps if 1 and N are distant;
! The PROD N's commodity must leave 1;
@SUM( PROD( J)| J #NE# 1: Y( 1, J)) = 1;
! It must get to N;
@SUM( PROD( I)| I #NE# N: Y( I, N)) = 1;
! If it goes into K, it must depart K;
@FOR( PROD( K)| 1 #NE# K #AND# K #NE# N:
@SUM( PROD( I)|I #NE# N: Y( I, K)) =
@SUM( PROD( J)| J #NE# 1: Y( K, J));
! If (I,J) is on path from 1 to N, it must also be on the full tour;
@FOR( LINK( I, J): Y( I, J) <= X( I, J););