!  Circle packing:
  We want to pack n circles, 
  each of the same radius r,
  inside a larger circle of radius = 1.
  We want to maximize r;
! Keywords: Packing, Circle Packing, Puzzle;
 circ: x, y; ! The x,y coordinate of each circle;
DATA: ! Turn on Global solver to get good answers. ! Best known solutions: Ref. Kravitz, S. "Packing Cylinders into Cylindrical Containers." Math. Mag. 40, 65-70, 1967. n r 1 1 2 .5 3 0.4641016 = 1/(1+2*(3^0.5)/3) 4 0.4142135 = 1/(1 + 2^0.5) 5 0.3701908 = 1/(1+(2*(1+(5^(-0.5))))^0.5) 6 0.3333333 = 1/3 7 0.3333333 = 1/3 8 0.3025934 = 1/(1+ 1/@sin((3.141592654/7))) 9 0.2767685 = 1/(1+(2*(2+(2^0.5)))^0.5) 10 0.26222 11 0.2548547 = 1/(1 + 1/@SIN(3.141592654/9)) 12 0.2482 (best known) 13 0.236068 = 1/(1 + 1/@SIN(3.141592654/10)) 14 0.23105 (best known) 15 0.22117253909 ( best known) 16 0.21666 (best known) 17 0.20866 (best known) 18 0.2056046 (best known) = 1/(1+2^0.5 + 6^0.5) 19 0.2056046 (best known) = 1/(1+2^0.5 + 6^0.5) 20 0.19522 (best known) For large n, the optimal r will approach and be <= ((pi/(2*n*3^0.5)))^0.5 = .952313/(n^0.5) ; circ = 1..21; ! Number of circles, n; ENDDATA MAX = r; nc = @SIZE(circ); @FOR( circ(i): @BND(-1,x(i),1); @BND(-1,y(i),1); ! Circle i inside big circle; x(i)^2 + y(i)^2 <= (1-r)^2; ! Circles i and j cannot overlap; @FOR( circ(j)| j #GT# i: (x(i) - x(j))^2 + (y(i) - y(j))^2 >= 4*r^2; ); ); ! Kill some symmetry; x(1) = 0; ! Can always rotate about z axis to get this; x(2) >= 0; ! Can rotate about y axis to get this; @for( circ(i): ! Can arbitrarily number from low to high; @FOR( circ(j)| j #GT# i: y(i) <= y(j); ! Order circles low to high; ); );