Phone Company Dials up Savings with What'sBest!


Dear LINDO Systems,

I recently purchased a copy of What'sBest!, and I just wanted to let you know how it fared. After closely scrutinizing six optimization programs we selected the combination of What'sBest! and Excel for the following reasons: superior nonlinear and linear algorithms, user friendliness, reporting and sensitivity capabilities, and flexibility in working with other models.

As a cost analyst for MFS Intelenet, Inc., a local and long distance telephone company, my job is to develop and use mathematical models to optimize management strategies. Two of the problems we faced were determining the maximum network flow and least cost routing from switch to end user.

We used What'sBest! to improve network flow by 122%, which will in turn reduce estimated future construction costs by approximately 50%. In solving the least cost routing problem with What'sBest! we reduced our estimated annual costs by $8,400,000.

I hope this information will be of use to managers who are considering the ever increasing popularity of decision support systems to aid in decision making. Great work guys!

Jason A. Gonzalez
Parsippany, NJ

For more information on What'sBest!, see our products pages. You can also download a trial version from the download page or order a version directly from our order page.

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